HS Au! part 2

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Same stuff as before, just considerably less sexual/romantic themes.

Grant arrives to class slightly before Sherman, taking his seat in an adjacent spot. The first bell rings some time after but Mr. Hamilton waits a few minutes after to start class for any stragglers. He is a puerto rican man of average height with a small birthmark below his right eye. He has long, straight, black hair tied into a ponytail with a green ribbon. He is wearing a black tshirt under a pale green flannel with loose black jeans.

"Class." Students finish up their conversations and face him at the front of the room. He awkwardly stutters into the rest of his lesson, "today we are going to be debating the age old question: which is better, cats or dogs."

Grant sighed and turned to look at Sherman, shaking his head in disapproval. Sherman looks back at him and sticks his tongue out. Grant rolls his eyes and focuses back on Mr. Hamilton.

"To begin, we're going to be splitting into two teams. I will be assigning the stance each team has. Aaannndd start!"

The class immediately surges towards two people: Jefferson Davis, a pale man standing around the higher end of five feet with wavy brown hair hanging loosely off to the side and a plethora of freckles and marks sprayed across his face and neck. Or Abraham Lincoln, a white man standing above six feet tall with a wisened look to him and short cut black hair mopped at his crown. Both students were voted to be class president during the first week at a pep rally. Lincoln was the fist officially chosen but Davis was also voted in after a good half of the students in attendance stood up to walk out. They adopted the name "The Confederacy" and to finish the joke Lincoln and his supporters took on "The Union."

Grant and Sherman walked over to Lincoln's side of the chaos and he greeted them warmly. His right-hand man George McClellan stood beside him looking anxiously towards the other half of the classroom. Lincoln put a hand to his back to reassure him. The classroom split like the Red Sea and Robert Lee was caught in the middle. Lincoln called out to ask him to join their team, and Davis did the same. Lee looked back and stepped into the Confederacy.

Mr. Laurens, the art teacher, who had walked into the classroom minutes before watched on, clearly amused. He was standing almost uncontrollably close to Mr. Hamilton, who almost everyone secretly shipped him with.

"Alright folks," Hamilton called out stepping foward. "Are we ready to fight!- I MEAN DEBATE. We're debating, not fighting!!" He swiftly corrected himself unfortunately, not soon enough to prevent the Confederates from yipping and howling their approval.

From beside Grant, Sherman mumbled "I'll make Georgia howl someday.. like that but uh.. but louder." He finished noticing Grant's interest midway through giving an embarrassed grin.

"Mr. Laurens! Roll that dice!" Hamilton grinned turning on his heel to face back. Laurens looked slightly spooked but smiled at his enthusiasm. Instead of rolling as asked, he reminded Hamilton to have the students pick even or odds first. Hamilton threw his arms down and made a sound only millenials can. The class stifled a laugh and let Limcoln and Davis meet to choose between the options.

Davis chooses the odd numbers and both presidents stay standing between the opposing sides waiting for the announcement. Laurens grins and makes a show out of rolling. It lands on 3, an odd number and the Confederates cheer. The presidents shake hands and return to their respective team. The rebels leap into discussion on what pet they say is better, before telling Davis and turning back to face the class.

Jefferson Davis stands a little taller walks a pace foward, and loudly announces their decision. "We will be arguing that dogs are better than cats."

Some of the Union groan but accept their decision. Lincoln nods and Hamilton outlines the rest of the debate.

"Since this is the first debate of the year, we're going to go feral. You can do some research if you want for the next 10 minutes, or we can start the debate in 5."

The class eventually decided to do a few minutes of research first then duke it out.

"Dogs are better than cats because they dont shit in the house...usually..."

"USUALLY!! Cats dont usually shit outside the box either! Therefore they're better!"

*time skip because I forgot to record this argument with my friend*

Mr. Hamilton was basically dead. Most of the class was on the floor cry-laughing and Lincoln was weeping in the corner. Mr. Hamilton stands up as the bell rings and calls out, "good job class! We're doing it again next Thursday!"

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