Hs Au! part 3

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Kinda went feral during this one. More romantic than before and probably the last one with even a lick of continuity

The next week Mr. Hamilton's class had another debate about the best farm animals. There were more spectators, after the previous week's action got around. Class started with a strong lead from the Union, but the Confederacy had stronger counterpoints and ended up winning the argument.

The bell to second period was too short, as usual, and Grant swung into an open table in the library. Sherman came in soon after him and sat in an adjacent seat. A nod of acnowldgement and 20 minutes later, Grant was done with his homework left over from the night before. He was glad to not have any CORE classes that sememester but also dreaded the oncoming semester. Sherman had finished all his work earlier and was drawing the usual destruction in a small sketchbook. Grant sneaked an occasional look over his french work to try and see what his friend was so invested in. He saw what looked like a storyboard to the song Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish. He personally wasn't a huge fan but enjoyed some of her work regardless. The messy panels contained the figures of two people, both with eerily familiar features: sketchy as they were. When Grant put down his work in a semi-announcement style so that Sherman might talk to him, he saw the pages flip into a mad dash of total war. Grant didn't comment on the urgency of it, or it at all.

The two sat in comfortable silence, flipping through a book or drawing more respectively. Grant felt something gently kick against his ankle. He glanced up, saw Sherman's embarrassment, and took his hand in his own. Now Sherman really looked up, glanced down and grinned into his art.

Third period was weird. Usually Grant works with the other tech crew, and Sherman practices with the actors. Once class began Ms. Angelica came over to him.

"I know it's out of your comfort zone, but I need you to play Romeo."

"What? Why?" Grant asked standing up and loosely holding his paintbrush.

"Our first choice for the role moved schools." Ms. Anglica groaned at the end huffing in annoyance to add to the drama.

"I...I can try? I'm not that great at singing or heck acting though."

"That's okay!"Ms. Angelica hurriedly assured him, as if he was going to suddenly decline the role. "We're already modifying the show to fit our student body better. No harm changing Romeo's parts."

"Wait um.. Who's playing Juliet?"

"You mean JuliEN? That would be one William Sherman." At his name Sherman turned around and waved, even taking a few steps foward. Grant felt his face flush. "I hope that's not going to be a problem...." He was drowning out her voice slightly, focusing on the slightly taller man in front of him.

"No! That's alright." Grant snapped out of it and replied, hoping neither of them noticed his momentary daze.

"Great!" Ms. Angelica squeaked, already noticing a tension between the two boys. "You start today."

'Oh heck.' Grant thought to himself, cleaning and putting away the tech stuff he was using before walking over to the clump of actors. Sherman greeted his arrival and introduced him to the other gays. Ms. Angelica called their attention to start running through some of the earlier scenes once everyone was there.

By the end of the period, the two boys had awkwardly avoided talking about the numerous scenes of affection between their characters, but it was hard to not talk about the ending scene. In this modified version, the characters would go "all the way." As Ms. Angelica had put it. "Backlighting them, kinda like in Heathers? When Veronica and JD got it on." The two had looked at each other, flushed, and coughed.

The rest of the day went like a usual class period. Mr. Laurens, Mulligan, and even Lafayette all seemed to know more about the boy's new relationship than even they did.

(Idk wtf that sentence was)

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