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In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream!

The Xenomorph is back!

Xenomorphs have been in my stories, if you guys haven't read them I suggest go and read them.

"You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."


The Xenomorph XX121, better known just as Xenomorph (which literally translates to "strange form" from Greek ξενος, xenos=strange and morphe=form) or the "Alien", is an extraterrestrial endoparasitoid species with multiple life cycles, possibly originating from the planet Proteus (also known as "Xenomorph Prime"). One of the deadliest of all known alien species, these creatures require a host organism in order to reproduce. The appearance of the Xenomorph can vary depending on the host in which the Facehugger implants. The human phenotype is generally around 7–8 feet and roughly 136.0 to 181.4 kilograms in weight, with a long, muscular tail and large, curved, oblong head. The Queen of this species is generally twice as large (although some Queens have shown to grow even larger, some surpassing 100 feet tall if given time) and possess superior speed, strength and intelligence than their offspring.


It is heavily implied in the movie 'Alien: Covenant' that Weyland-Yutani's original synthetic cyborg David was the chief designer of the first Xenomorph egg and therefore the creator of the species. However, there are no solid facts as to the origins of the Xenomorph species; instead, there are many theories which cannot be confirmed. They may be an artificially created species, or they may have evolved naturally on a planet very different than our own.

In the film "Prometheus", it's implied that the Xenomorphs were created as biological weapons by the Engineers (born from Humans). To be specific, the android David (an android built to be curious and human-like) infected Charlie Holloway with a drop of the mutagen and Charlie then impregnated Elizabeth Shaw; resulting in a large Facehugger-like lifeform (aka Hectopod or Trilobite). Elizabeth, in pain from the creature growing within her, then removes the lifeform by entering the automated surgery table on-board Meredith Vicker's exclusive ship. The lifeform later encounters an Engineer and ensnares him much like a Facehugger; thus, creating the Deacon which highly resembled the Xenomorphs.

In 'Alien: Covenant', David was shown to be the chief developer of the first Xenomorph eggs that contain the "Facehuggers". Utilizing the now emptied planetoid Elizabeth Shaw and David landed on, preceding the events of Alien: Covenant, David was able to combine the limited number of creatures and organisms available with the "Black-Goo" (not to mention Elizabeth Shaw's female reproductive system) to develop the first "Facehugger" eggs. David knew he needed Human hosts to eventually gestate the Xenomorphs to fabricate his fantasy of becoming a Lord Helix and creating something even better than his own makers. The Xenomorphs have come to be known as "the Perfect Organism" throughout the franchise.

--> Engineer --> Human --> AI Synthetic --> Xenomorph.

However, based on the 'Alien vs. Predator' film franchise, the Xenomorphs were depicted as a pre-existing species that were bred, reared and hunted by the Yautja intentionally for sport. Nonetheless, the Alien vs. Predator films are considered non-canon and therefore inaccurate.

The Xenomorph could be the result of genetic manipulation by Mala'kak (also known as the "Engineers" or "Space Jockeys") as a terraforming mechanism about ten million years ago, but it went terribly wrong. As a result, the Xenomorph had become an entirely new species in the galaxy. This theory has been altered slightly by Prometheus, when a Mala'kak presented containers filled with an unknown Black-Goo substance (known as "Chemical A0-3959X.91–15"). This chemical mutated harmless organisms into somewhat hostile creatures. When a male human, infected with this substance, inseminate their mate, it produces a different subspecies of "Hecto-Facehuggers" that can grow incredibly large. As shown in Prometheus, this new subspecies, regardless of whether a Mala'kak or human host, would result in the "Deacon" or "Proto-Alien".

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