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Now that was quite the showdown to see whose tail is better and it looks like we know who does have the best tail.

About the fight, Verdugo and the Xenomorph did have some similar skills like stealth, speed, and intelligence.

Verdugo did have brute strength, and was a lot stronger than the Xenomorph, while the Xenomorph was a lot faster, sneaker, and a bit smarter.

The two put up a good fight, and when the two long tailed monsters entered a room fulled with huge canisters full of liquid nitrogen, the Xenomorph saw that it was Verdugo's big weakness.

The Xenomorph managed to freeze Verdugo, but in the process the Xenomorph had to break its own arm off, but did break half of Verdugo's tail off to.

Then the Xenomorph was now able to easily impale through Verdugo's armored body now being fragile from the nitrogen.

Now, if this fight took place out in the open with no can of nitrogen lying around, then Verdugo would have probably defeated the Xenomorph.

But, this was my theory of how a fight between these two long tailed beasts could have went.

The Xenomorph may have lost its arm, but the Xenomorph as proven that it has the better bladed tail weapon.


Thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed.

And I'll see ya all in the next story.


VERDUGO VS. XENOMORPHWhere stories live. Discover now