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I'm sorry about last chapter my phone kept gliching so there are a few spots where it repeats or fliched in the middle of a word or something crazy like that. But please bare with me as I don't really have any other way to write these story yet, my computer is down for the count. I'm not going to be able to get a good one for a while so every now and then chapters will have small glichs (repeating chapters, misspelling that is close then there is a random letter, etc.) I'm sorry but I can't go back and fix them properly, when I get the chance I will remake them if you all are interested are if you just want the story to continue. Anyways imma take a small break because last chapter took a lot out of me I'll be back next week.

For now enjoy this chaos

Author-Kun Out

Word count: it doesn't really matter it's not a part of the plot

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