Lake Monster Bakayama (kageyama POV)

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I gasped for air as I reached the surface shaking my hair lose of water. Looking towards Hinata, he seemed to be very good at swimming. I already knew that his arms were well built but, seeing them with the water rolling down each muscle.

The hell am I thinking? This is The Shrimp™ we're talking about.

Letting those thoughts drop, watch him dive under and swim towards the wall of a ledge. Resurfacing he yells "hey Kageyama wanna do a diving contest off this ledge here?" Gripping the wall he lifts himself into a small ledge that he sat on.

I swam over to him staying in the water looking up at him. Seeing him from this angel was odd, I usually see him from the top of his head. This must be what it's like to be his height, he still looks cute from this angle.

I nod my head letting the thoughts dip away with the water rolling down my neck. "I'll go first!" He jumped up clumping his way up the ledge getting ready to jump. I swim backwards to make sure as to not be hit, and to get a good view.

"Ready?" I asked as he reached the top of the ledge. He nodded "Yeah!" He cheered, "On the Ready... Go!" I yelled as he dove into the water with almost perfect form as the water caressed his body as he went under the water, speeding back towards the surface with his bright orange hair that normally stuck up in every which direction was lying flat on his head.

He swung his head side to side letting the water falling from each strand of his hair, he took his hand and combed the hair that was in his fair back into his hair almost like a model would. " How would you rate that jump, Kageyama? Like a 10 right!" he shouted as he bounced up and down in the water

"Tsk, as if that is more like a 5. There was no splash, it was weak." He pouted then glared " yeah? Like you can do better Bakayama!" he said splashing water up at me. " heh watch me Shimp." I challenged slowly walking out of the water and on top of the ledge that he was on before looking down towards him where he bounced giving me a thumbs up, " You've got this Kageyama!" he yelled up at me with a bright smile,I walked backwards with a small tint of pink crept onto my face.

I run forward off the giant rock into the air, "CANNONBALL!" I screamed as I fell into the water balled in on myself. Reaching the bottom I open my eyes and look up to see HInata's legs keeping him a float. I swam upward towards his legs and grabbed him pulling him down with me. "Gahh" I heard him scream before I swam in front of him and pulled us both back to the surface. " Hahaha you thought it was some lake monster didn't you?" I teased laughing my ass off. Hinata pouted, turning his head away from me.

"Yeah right lake monster. A lake monster would have sounded like 'grawg' not 'blurg' stupid." he said. The bad thing is that I understand his stupid Hinata language. "Whatever Shimp." I said turning my back to him. Seconds later he splashed me, I turned and the two of us just started to splash each other nonstop. Just messing around, I'm going to be honest, hanging out with this shrimp isn't too bad.


hey I've been gone for about a week or two. last week was my birthday so I was off celabating with the boiz having a good time, so i didn't update anything then. and the week before that I had other work to catch up on so now I'm back with this sad excus of a chapeter because it is hard to write in kageyama's POV so i'm going to try to get something for ya'll  mostly in Hinata POV 

i'mma take this time where I have your attention to let you know that I do like to make these A/N pretty long so that way you all can comment ideas/ comments 

but author-kun giving you ideas for your story is like having us write the story

no it not my inner reader self, it's letting me know what would keep you all intreserted in this story and to keep it fun and interesting please send comments on your ideas opinions and jokes I love to look through them for a good laugh every now and then

signing off for now


word count WITH A/N 769

ha i added the count with the a/n this time throw y'all for a loop didnt i lol

lolololol 769

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