03~ Wander

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⋞ English: Wander- to walk around slowly in a relaxed way
or without any clear purpose or direction. ⋟

"So umm... meet Evelynn, Kana, and An I suppose." Mark awkwardly muttered once he and Haechan where sitting alone in the staff room, "they're my childhood friends, they all work here together while I'm off trying to become a artist." He explained, causing Haechan to nod  his head dumbly, still slightly reeling from the scene before.

Shuffling awkwardly in his seat, Mark suddenly stood up, walking over to his friends jacket that was hanging up, and fishing An's phone out of the jacket pocket and typing the password in before sliding it over to Haechan. "An is a huge Country fan so I doubt you'll find many other genres to listen to, but if you find anything you like feel free to play it. I don't have my phone right now... I didn't think I'd be out for so long." Mark chuckled guiltily.

With a shrug Haechan picked up An's phone, "Country has some good songs, I don't know why everyone hates on it so much." He hummed as he scrolled through An's playlists, making a sound close to a squeal of joy when he found a song he recognized.

"Behold! "One Man Band" by Old Dominion. Other love songs could never." He stated, turning the volume as loud as it could go as the song began to play, "ah I know this one..." Mark hummed as Haechan sang along, his grin widening as the song progressed and his mind getting lost within the song, its lyrics rolling off his tongue with ease. 

Soon enough both boys where smiling as they passionately sang along to the song. Mark holding an imaginary microphone and Haechan dancing around, even happily dragging Mark into little spins and twirls once or twice, to which the older would awkwardly wiggle his way out of before going back to singing.

At some point the song changed but the two boys didn't care, muttering and mixing lyrics as they went, having the time of their lives, not caring who was watching or listening until they heard a giggle echo throughout the room.

The lighthearted sound had both boys stopping in their tracks, naturally becoming startled by the sudden sound the two scattered. Mark simply jumping in shock and turning to face the source of the noise, while Haechan dove beneath the table An's phone rested on, his hands covering his head and a small yelp of surprise escaping his lips.

The two boys curiously peeked towards the door, flushing in embarrassment when they spotted Evelynn standing there, fondly grinning and recording their mini concert, while An held back a laugh and Kana held a tray of food in her hands, smiling and shaking her head at the two boys' antics. "You sure you weren't kiss-" Evelynn began as she tucked her phone away, only for Kana to cut her off by loudly placing the food down on the table, the bang of the tray connecting with the table's surface resounding throughout the room.

"Voilà! For the couple in our VIP guest lounge I present nothing but the finest food!" She dramatically announced, to which An stepped forward and quickly bowed before showing off the meal.

"Today we offer a steaming plate of farm fresh potatoes, cut and fried to perfection, with a delectable tomato based sauce to accompany it." He claimed, "Fries and ketchup." Mark blandly responded, "Sir! We don't use such vile language here." Evelynn gasped, holding her hand over her heart, to which Mark held his hands up in defeat.

"For our main course we offer our vegetarian option! Locally farmed and freshly chopped lettuce, with our finest sun-dried fruits available, topped with a drizzle of a truly exquisite sauce. Bon appétit messieurs!" An said and with a swift turn, he and Kana had left the room, giggling as they disappeared.

"Just say fries and salad you over dramatic simpletons!" Mark cried, letting his head fall towards the table in despair, swearing when his head ricocheted off of the hard metal surface. "Says you." Evelynn snickered as Mark held his head in his hands, "Now stop complaining, you're gonna love me for this." Evelynn claimed, disappearing behind the door before re-entering with two glasses in her hands, the pinkish-red drink glinting under the rooms admittedly poor lighting.

"I don't drink alcohol-" Haechan immediately protested, leaning back in his chair and waving his hands around in a dismissive gesture, "Relax Haechan, there's barely any alcohol in it, it's more of a fruit punch than anything. As long as you're of age you'll be fine." She hummed, placing the two glasses on the table. "Well- I am... but- its never really... appealed to me." He muttered, picking up the glass and squinting at the bubbling liquid, before tentatively taking a sip.

Immediately the boy's eyes widened, and a small sound of surprise escaped his lips as he tasted the bittersweet drink, "Woah. Where in the world has this drink been my entire life??" He gaped, holding the glass with both hands and taking another sip. "Told you." Evelynn snickered, "Anyways, my shifts over. I'm going back to the love of my life- my bed. Cya later you two." She said as she checked her watch, untying her apron as she left the room.

"You act like you've never seen food before." Mark chuckled as he watched Haechan chip away at the food, making sure to eat a little bit of everything he came across. "And you act like you eat three meals a day, a snack won't kill you. Eat." The boy responded shoving a forkful of salad in Mark's face, causing Mark to give in, finishing his drink and focusing his attention on the fries.

"Now what?" Mark asked once they had finished eating and given the plates back to the kitchen, "Kana, An, and Evelynn have all gone home so we're free to do whatever."

"I want to... do nothing... and everything. Sometimes just wandering leads to the best of things." Haechan admitted with a sigh, "wandering it is." Mark announced, walking out of the pub and turning onto the street, letting his feet guide him while the younger boy trailed along.

"Oh look Mark!" Haechan half shouted, pointing to a tattoo parlour, immediately toddling over to peer through the front window. "You want a tattoo? Now? How much alcohol did Evelynn put in that drink??" Mark asked is disbelief, staring at Haechan with wide eyes. "Not now." Haechan whined, slapping Mark's arm.

"One day though. Something small, I was thinking of a sun because I want to be a source of warmth and energy for others. Just like the sun." He announced proudly while watching a woman inside the shop get a tattoo.

"Funny. If I was to get a tattoo it'd either be of a guitar, for obvious reasons, or a moon. Not that it means too much to me, I just like watching the stars, I always feel the most at peace during the night." Mark hummed, glancing up at the night sky before gently tugging on Haechan's arm, urging him to start walking again.

The two boys walked for hours, aimlessly walking down the streets, stopping at stores, arcades, cafes, or anywhere in particular that interested them. They talked more about their hopes of becoming famous and argued about what they'd do with the perks that come with fame.

"I'm just saying, if Ariana Grande invites me to her concert for FREE then hell yeah I'm not paying." "Ok but part of the fun is struggling to buy tickets before they're all sold out- won't you miss those stress inducing times?? Think of the rewarding feeling you get when those tickets are finally yours, you're just willing to ditch that roller coaster of emotions like that??" Haechan argued, "Any day, without a doubt." Mark retaliated, stopping when Haechan yawned.

"Tired?" "Very." Came a sleepy response. "Well that fancy new hotel just opened about a block away, and I made money from singing earlier... wanna go check it out? Since you know, your house is probably pretty far away from here- to be honest I'm pretty lost right now, not sure I'd be able to find my way home-"  Mark began to ramble, realizing how dumb his idea sounded once said out loud.

"If I'm being entirely honest I'm also incredibly lost right now and I'm too tired to care what happens any more. Lead the way strange boy." Haechan muttered, his eyes already drooping shut and his head leaning forwards to rest tiredly on the older's shoulders.

-March 07, 2020-

Lost and Found [Markhyuck]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora