08~ Frisson

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⋞ English: Frisson- a sudden, strong feeling
of excitement and/or fear; a thrill. ⋟

"Breaking News; The search is officially over! The famous singer Mark Lee accidentally started a worldwide manhunt for a long lost friend named Haechan after a video of the two singing was unexpectedly released. Amazingly within 24 hours Mark's dedicated fanbase, not only located but also convinced Haechan to meet up with the singer. Rumour has it they'll be meeting in a few hours, back where it all started... their hometown, Vancouver, British Columbia. We wish the pair a happy reunion!" The radio host enthusiastically announced, their voice fading away, a peppy pop song already taking its place.

"Convinced?!?! No one convinced me! A group of screaming people escorted me to the airport and shipped me straight from South Korea to Vancouver!! I didn't even get to pack or anything!" Haechan whined, switching the radio station and slumping farther down in his seat.

"Oh relax Haechan, it'll be fun! We haven't seen you in forever either, it'll be one great, big party." Kana laughed from the drivers seat. "Ev was so sad to hear you just disappeared, she's been worrying for your health ever since." An announced from the backseat as he lazily scrolled through Instagram. "So when exactly are we even meeting Mark and Evelynn?" Haechan asked, struggling to decide whether he was excited or nervous to see the two again.

He had already fought off oncoming panic when he was being shoved on the plane... and then fighting off more when he was tackled by Kana and An at the airport.... did he have the mental capacity to handle more? Probably not, but the thought of reuniting with the people he was sure he'd never see again sent a shiver of nervous excitement running through him.

"Ah well the time is......" Kana muttered checking her watch quickly, "Almost 2:30pm and we have to fix...... all of that. So probably around 5 or 6... maybe even 7." She stated, waving towards Haechan and making a face. "What she means by 'all of that' is that you look like you've ran five marathons and then got hit by lightening. In other words like trash. You look like absolute trash." An added in when Haechan had scrunched his nose and tilted his head in confusion at Kana's words.

"Hey well you try be chased by strangers, kidnapped by a group of strangers, and then sitting in a plane for hours.. surrounded by strangers! The lack of sleep and food is going to my head!" Haechan grumbled, glaring the two down, seriously beginning to consider opening the car door and jumping out.

"Not saying that you didn't have an excuse to look like that, but we're not letting you reunite with Mark looking like that. A makeover is needed, the likelihood of cameras being there is pretty high you know." Kana hummed, smiling when Haechan mumbled something unintelligible and sunk even further into his seat, arms crossed over his chest and a defeated pout on his face.

"You look FABULOUS darling~" An sang with a grin, pushing Haechan out of the bathroom to show off his outfit to Kana. "I FEEL like Prince Charming going to meet his princess... but Asian." Haechan huffed, picking at the end of the dark blue suit. "As good as he looks, the event isn't exactly meant for suits... maybe try a bit more casual? You know what, let me style and you do the makeup." Kana laughed, grabbing Haechan from the flabbergasted An and pulling him over to An's closet.

With a hum Kana dove into An's closet, pulling jackets and hoodies from hangers and tossing them onto An's bed, holding shirts up to Haechan to see how he'd look wearing them, and tossing articles of clothing away with a dissatisfied grunt. Finally Kana presented a half awake Haechan with a small pile of clothes, "Here. Wear this." She instructed, pushing the boy into the bathroom to change before he could protest.

"Much better!" Kana exclaimed with a clap of her hands as Haechan walked out in black ripped jeans paired with a dark blue, black, and white patterned sweater. "Pfft. Well his hair can't stay brown then. Black hair would look wayyyy better." An stated, checking the clock in his room before turning back to Kana and Haechan.

"Luckily for you I have extra dye from when I used to dye my hair black! Kana, you should find him a black leather jacket, shoes, and a couple rings or bracelets to go with the outfit while we're busy." He grinned, pushing a protesting Haechan into the bathroom.

"I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS!" The boy cried, grabbing the door frame of the bathroom, clinging to it for dear life. "Get. In. The. Bathroom." An grunted as he pulled the boy by his waist, determined to dye his hair. "Kana help me!" Haechan whined, throwing the girl a pleading look and she shuffled through a box of jewelry.

"Sorry Haechan, An is right on this one. Black hair would look better. It'll take no time at all. An will finish that, then he'll do your makeup, finally we throw on accessories, and we'll be on our way." Kana rattled off the list as if she had rehearsed it beforehand, already expecting Haechan to complain.

"You're all insaneeeee" Haechan whailed as his grip gave away and An wrestled him into the bathroom with a cry of triumph. "Time to dye that hair darker than my soul!" An cried happily as Haechan glared him down, already glancing at the bathroom door and trying to decide if he could make a run for it.

"If I dyed my hair as dark as your soul I might as well dip my head in yellow highlighter ink." Haechan growled before jumping up and running for the door, pulling it open in a swift movement and bolting from the room. "We've got a runner!" Kana cried as she watched Haechan run out of An's bedroom. "Not on my watch! That. hair. will. be. dyed!!!" An shouted, a war cry escaping his lips as he ran after the escaping boy.

-April 1, 2020-

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