07~ Transition

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⋞ English: Transition- the process or a period of changing
from one state or condition to another. ⋟

-the day after the interview-




"five more minutes..." a sleepy boy whined, his hand reaching out and slapping his alarm clock off of the nightstand, the beeping coming to a stop as the sound of metal connecting with wood and glass breaking resonated through the room. "Hrmph." The boy huffed, regretfully rolling out of bed and picking up the broken pieces of the clock, tossing it in the trash as he shuffled towards the bathroom to get ready.

"Oh... what time is it?" Haechan muttered, ruffling his hair in tired frustration as he stumbled out of his room, glancing at the clock on the stove and shouting surprise.
"I'm going to be late!!!" The boy screeched, running to the refrigerator and rifling through it for food, groaning when he didn't find anything he could eat quickly.

Instead the boy simply grabbed a piece of bread from the breadbox, cramming it into his mouth as he bolted out of the apartment, patting his pockets to make sure he had all his necessities before he got too far from home. "It's fine it's fine it's fine... Niya will be able to handle the kids until I get there... I hope." He muttered as he walked briskly down the street, licking the breadcrumbs off of his fingers.

"THERE! It's him! It's really him!"

A girl squealed, causing Haechan to glance at the girl, curious to see who she was talking about, only to stop in his tracks, surprised to see her pointing at him. "Me?" He softly asked, his hand pointing to himself, his eyebrows knit in confusion.

"So cute!"
"I can't believe it's actually him!"
"Oh my gosh! We gotta tell everyone!!!"

The girl and her friends all spoke at once, their phone cameras flashing, blinding the poor boy. "Ah-" Haechan grimaced, using his hands to shield his eyes. "Haechan!!!" The girls excitedly screamed, causing more people to stop and stare, some frowning in confusion, others faces lighting up in recognition.

"I gotta get out of here." Haechan announced to himself, pulling the hood of his dark green sweater over his head and turning away from the crowd, running around the corner of a building, shouting in alarm when the crowd began to follow him. "Leave me aloneeee" the distressed boy wailed, bolting across streets and sliding between buildings, fear boosting him forward until he could no longer hear the screaming of the crowd.

"What was that...?" The wide eyed boy question quietly as he finally reached his work, slipping into the daycare and closing the door behind him with a sigh of relief. "Haechan! Haechan!" A little boy called happily, immediately noticing the boys presence, "hello~ and how have you been? Good for Niya I hope." Haechan giggled, walking over to the boy and his group friends.

"We're always good. We're angels remember? You said so." A little girl stated, waving her stuffed animal in the air as Haechan picked up one of the children, spinning with them in his arms, and smiling as the child laughed. "Oh yes! Of course, you're my little angels, how could I forget?!" Haechan exclaimed, pinching the young girl's cheek and waving goodbye before going to find his coworker.

"Niya! So sorry I'm late. I slept in and then this crowd of people starting following me! Sounds crazy I know-" The boy started his apology only to be cut off, "Haechan? What are you doing here? You're like famous now! Why aren't you out there signing T-shirt's or something?!" Niya questioned, her eyes wide in surprise when Haechan gave her a confused look.

"Haechan. Did you not see the interview?! How could you not tell me you're friends with THE Mark Lee?!" She shrieked, playfully smacking the boy. "Mark...? How'd you- what..?" He asked, his hand reaching down to brush the small moon shaped tattoo on his wrist. "No way- he explained this last night. You two talked about getting a moon and sun tattoo when you met right? I thought you wanted a sun tattoo, did you get the moon instead because of Mark?" Niya pushed, jumping around and squealing when the boy dumbly nodded in response.

"Hecking heck Haechan, the entire internet is trying to find you! The interviewer released a video of you and Mark singing and the world has been obsessed with finding you and reuniting you with Mark! Here just look." She explained, pulling out her phone and scrolling through the millions of posts. "#FindingHaechan? They're calling me cute- hey! Why are they making memes with my face already!?" Haechan pouted, pointing to one of the already hundreds of memes.

"Doesn't matter, they love you... they love your looks, your singing, your personality- and you're just sitting here."

Niya stated, " This is literally fairytale kind of stuff here you moron, like you're in a story or something! Don't just stare at me blankly, go find your Mark Lee!" Niya continued encouragingly, pushing Haechan out of the daycare's front door and onto the street.

"Hey! Haechan's here people! Someone get him to Mark Lee before he chickens out and tries to run away again!" She shouted, catching the attention of people walking by before slamming the door shut, leaving Haechan at the mercy of the public.

-March 26, 2020-

Lost and Found [Markhyuck]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz