04~ Contemptuous

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⋞ English: Contemptuous- manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep
hatred or disapproval; disdain; scornful; disrespectful. ⋟

"Uh, hello, a room for two please?"

The staff eyed the two young boys in suspicion. "For... two?" She said almost accusingly, her eyes narrowing and glancing between the two.

"No offence but full offence, get your head out of the gutters ma'am. We're friends and we're tired. One room with two beds please." Haechan huffed, clearly not happy with what the woman was trying to imply. "Of course.... sir." She replied, venom dripping from her words as she took the crumpled stack of money from Mark, quickly wiping her hands off on her handkerchief once the money was safely stored away.

"Your room key." She pushed the small golden key across the counter, "Thank you!" Mark said gleefully while Haechan simply continued to glare the woman down.

"Great, we have two hooligans to serve. With our luck the filthy rats will probably trash the room, did you see the way that one savage stared me down?! Unheard of, thank goodness they're only here for the night." The woman began to rant to her obviously bored and uncaring coworker the moment the two boys began to walk away, her shrill voice scratching loudly across the room like nails on a chalkboard.

"Ma'am." Haechan suddenly announced, spinning on his heel to meet eyes with the woman, "I'd like to order two of everything on your menu and have it delivered to our room please. If it's not there in 15 minutes I expect the food to be free or I'll report this hotel for its trash service, their rude receptionist in particular will not be getting a 5 star review." He rattled off his demands before grabbing a shocked Mark's hand and strutting off to find their room, leaving the woman gaping behind them.

"Haechan..." Mark hissed as the younger boy slipped the key into the door of their room, "we can't pay for any of that, we don't have the money, and besides with the way that woman was looking at you she's probably going to poison literally all of it!"

"I gave them a time limit they can't fulfill, relax and live a little. The stuck up brat needs a lesson or two in manners." Haechan muttered, opening the door to the room and slipping inside, running towards the nearest bed and jumping into it with a relieved sigh.

"So comfy." He hummed, sinking further into the comfort of the soft, pure white blankets as Mark paced the room worriedly, checking his watch every few minutes.

"....and...... fifteen. That's fifteen minutes!"

Mark announced excitedly, showing the other boy the time. "Told you." Haechan said smugly, a devilish grin on his face as he relaxed on his bed, his head buried beneath the covers. "They'll probably knock any minute now though. The thing with fancy hotels is they love their good reviews almost as much as they love stealing your money." He stated causing Mark to frown but nod his head in understanding nonetheless.

Sure enough, a little while later frantic knocking was heard at the door. "Good evening sir! We apologize for the wait, and for our receptionists rude welcoming. We added in an extra salad and the meal is free of charge as an apology from our staff for your troubles." The young man at the door spoke quickly, small beads of sweat dripping down the side of his face and his eyes darting around nervously.

"Why thank you, how kind! I would definitely give this hotel a 5 star review if I had the proper apps and internet to do so, it's a shame I forgot my phone at home." Haechan claimed with fake remorse, wheeling the cart of food into the room and placing a piece of neatly wrapped gum in the man's hand, "For your exceptional service sir." Haechan stated, gesturing towards the gum and smiling before shutting the door in the man's face.

With a victorious grin the boy turned to face Mark, who had been laughing so hard he had collapsed to the floor, heaving in great gulps of air and wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Eat up! Whatever isn't eaten though will be put to good use, I promise; however, that's a tomorrow problem. All that matters to me now is sleep." Haechan gestured towards the food nonchalantly before walking towards his bed, jumping in and pulling the blankets up to his chin, a small smile on his face as he drifted off sleep... leaving Mark to stare at the pile of food in horror, wondering how on earth he could even finish one plate let alone all of them.

-March 17, 2020-

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