Chapter 2

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What was the point of drama class? Enhance our acting skills? The only skill being enhanced here is our ability to not fall asleep while Mrs. Kim goes on about random plays.

"Jennie come on stage!" she suddenly said in a jolly manner, making Jennie get up almost immediately. In the abrupt silence, the young girl slowly made her way to the much, much older teacher.

It was strange how fast the chattering continued.

Jennie loved acting, yet she was so nervous. I can't even imagine what a ruckus it would've been if I was chosen.

"It's Romeo and Juliet, isn't it?" Jisoo whispered, making me laugh. I ignored the glares people sent my way.

"I'll be going for a vacation soon, everybody know the annual play is coming and we don't really have a drama club. So I'm making you a leader. After the auditions finish, I'd like you to personally monitor how the play goes." suddenly, I felt extremely bad for Jennie.

Why you ask? The girl had been chattering for days about how she'd love to have a role in the annual play. But now, that she was the director of sorts, that would never happen.

Only 3 specific people noticed the sudden change in Jennie's emotions even through her amazing acting. However, we 3 weren't the only people watching her amidst the chaos.

"O-Oh, alright Mrs. Kim. I promise to do my best." Jennie said, bowing shortly before returning to her seat next to Chaeyoung.

"Okay, as everybody knows the Annual Play is soon to commence, and as usual, it is compulsory to have atleast a supporting role in the play." Mrs. Kim said, now loud and clear so the entire class could hear her.

"Yeah, a tradition I'm sure all of us love." Jisoo muttered angrily, Chaeyoung, who was beside me, snickered.

Everybody would expect Jisoo out off all of us to absolutely love acting because of her face, but that was literally the opposite.

Jisoo despised it to the core, and she was not afraid to express her hatred.

"I'll be taking auditions for you lot tomorrow because of the less amount of time I have." Mrs. Kim said, I immediately widened my eyes.

Tomorrow? All of us? How...

"But Mrs. Kim, you haven't told us the name of the play yet!" I heard Chaeyoung say, that's when I realized that she was right.

What exactly were we auditioning for?

"Ah, yes. That will not be revealed yet, I want to see how well you can do when you mess up. That's all for today." Mrs. Kim said, making her way out not waiting for a response.

"So... What now?" Jisoo asked Jennie, assuming that she would have an idea of what was going on.

To be honest, I have no idea either. Usually Mrs. Kim takes her time with the auditions, but making a rash decision like that? It seems mildly rushed.

Was her vacation really that important?

I shook my head to myself, I shouldn't be thinking this way, she is a teacher after all.

"I don't know." Jennie confessed. All of us looked at her in sorrow, not pity.

"Anyway, let's just go home already." she said with a pained smile. Jisoo nodded, regardless of the fact that she knew Jennie wasn't feeling the best, she was ready to give the girl the space she wanted.


The next day wasn't any better, for me atleast. For drama geeks, it was the only time of the year they could have their time to shine.

Jisoo waved at me frantically, signalling me to come to where Chaeyoung and herself were standing. I smiled upon seeing her and quickly made my way to her before I could get scolded by her.

"You're late!" Jisoo said as soon as I made it to them.

"Nothing out off the ordinary then." Chaeyoung commented.

"Shut up." I said, with a slight smile. It was just like them to mock me.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late!" Jisoo said, dragging me and Chaeyoung with both of her arms.

"Who are you and what have you done with our Jisoo?" Chaeyoung demanded.

"yeah, usually you would've taken any excuse to delay today since, well because the auditions. What's up?" I asked after a moment of thought. Of course Jisoo wasn't like this all the time.

Jisoo sighed coming to an abrupt stop and turned around to face us "Look, I've never been the biggest acting or drama fan, but this means a lot to Jennie. And since she can't be in the play, we'll just have to do our best for her!" She said, with her usual bright smile.

Classic, optimistic Jisoo.

But she had a point. There wasn't anything in this world we wouldn't give up for each other.

Except maybe... No. No one knows about that.

I clutched on to my pocket and held it tight. It wasn't something I could give away easily.

After reaching school barely on time, we just had to bump into Irene. The girl who hangs out more with Nayeon more than anyone else.

She turned to look at us, her kind face gleaming in the natural sunlight. After all, our school had a very open feeling.

"hello." she greeted warmly, smiling at each of us at a time.

"Baerene! What are you doing in the hallways? We're late for class!" Jisoo said.

Ah yes, Baerene. Only the girl every boy liked. She was everything you'd imagine her to be; kind, loyal, sweet... Name a positive trait, she'll be sure to have it.

"I could say the same for you. I actually got special permission to get the audition over with in the beginning of the day. I have a shooting gig in the afternoon."

Ah yes, I forgot. The girl is a young but established model.

"Oh that's nice! Well, we'll see you around!" Chaeyoung said, waving her hand at Irene.

"Why, I'll see you around too! I'm actually kind of disappointed though, my chance isn't until the end of the 1st batch of auditioners. But it'll be fine." she placed her hand in my shoulder as a kind gesture, I smiled at her.

She was very pleasant person to be around, you can't even blame the boys for chasing after her.

"Come on Lisa, let's go!" Chaeyoung said, her chance being the one to drag my hand.

"Chaeng, wait!" I said chuckling. Jisoo had already made her way to her own class.

Then, my blood froze.

My pockets were empty.



This chapter took me ages, no lie.

It's kind of messy but I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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