Mystery Maiden*

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Zayn's Prov:
I was walking down the street the other day trying to make my way down to the store to get some detergent , and there is this women. She was the most Beauitful thing I have *ever* seen. She had long beautiful dirty blonde hair, she was pretty tall but not *to* tall, her eyes were as blue as the oceans water. And she was just down right *beautiful*
I almost forgot where I was going because I was amazed of how beautiful she was. She was wearing a grey beanie,combat boots,leggings,and a crop top. I didn't understand how she wasn't cold. It was snowing. It seemed to me we were walking the same pace just, different sides of the street. She saw me looking at her and she just opened her book Dear John and started reading it. I hollered at her,
"Hey, do you need my jacket? You are probably bloody cold walking around town like that." She just looked over, closed her book, and ran off. It was almost as if she was, scared.

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