The Knock*

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It was 3:30 in the morning and I'm up reading TFIOS, it's a book by John Green. You should read it. But I just heard this really random knock on my door . It sounded like the cops. It was. She was standing there handcuffed held by each arm the cops say ,
"Is she yours?" They say looking at her with the dirtiest look .
"Yes she mine officer how may I help you?" I said starting to quiver my lip.
"She has this stolen jacket." They say has they show me that jacket that I had bought her.
"Stolen?" I say confusingly looking at them with a very odd strange look.
"Yes, stolen. Why does that *suprise* you?" They say looking at me oddly .
"I bought that for her." I say getting very aggravated.
"Bought? For her?" They say giving me dirty looks and I could tell they for some reason thought I was crazy.
The mysterious besutiful lady is in tears .
"Yes I bought it for you do you have a problem with that? Or do you want to be a dick about it. What's wrong with buying someone a jacket if they need one?" I say getting im there faces.

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