The Way Back Home*

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So in the store I saw some jackets and they looked like they would be the perfect size for her so I decided to buy her one. I only had $10.00 and her jacket was $9.99. But I didn't care. She was beautiful and I wanted to do *anything* in the world to make her happy. On my way back from walking the jacket is in this back and I see the girl. I knew she would just run off if I hollered for her so I crinkled the bag and she looked over. I hollered at her and I said ," Come here! I've got you something!"
She walked over, she looked tough. She said,
"What do you think I am a pussy cat? You can't get my attention but shaking a bag and telling me that you've got me something."
"I, I, Im sorry." I said backing up some.
"Now what did you want?" She said calming down just a tad bit.
"I just bought you this. You looked Kindove cold." She didn't know but wrapped up in the jacket was a letter. A, hmm... I guess you could call it a love letter. But, not really.
"What the hell are you trying to do buy me?" She said as she yanked the bag out of my hand.
"Oh no! Absolutely not, I'm loyal to women I would never do that to a women. A women deserves much better treatment than that. Expecially a women like you." I said as I started to slowly move away.
"Well then, I mean, Thanks. I really needed it to be honest." She said as she opened it up and out the jacket on. The letter was still
inside the jacket.

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