The Test*

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The "cops" take off their costumes and I look away.
"What the hell are you doing don't strip in my yard. Bloody hell." I said going inside with her. They grab my door and say
"Hey, we aren't stripping . We were in costumes. We are Kayla's parents." They say looking at me smiling while patting my shoulder.
"Who's *Kayla*?" I say wondering if that was the Beauitful lady I was holding in my arms.
"It's me." She says as she looks up at me and wipes off the makeup they used to make it look like she had bruises. It was dark so I couldn't tell if they were real or fake.
"It was a test to see if you were good enough for our daughter. And, you are you are prefecture and that's a good thing. With her walking around town all alone like this you are a good protector for Kayla." They say as I slightly let go of Kayla to shake there hand.
"Well I'm Zayn and its *very* nice to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Uhm... What's your last name?" I say looking at them smiling after I give Kayla a kiss on her forehead.
"Miller, Jimmy Miller and Roxanne Miller. Kayla has 1 other sibling Miranda who is 20, Miranda Jane Miller." They say as I welcome them inside to get warm because it was snowing and im sure they were cold because I sure as hell was.

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