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Lucy POV

I walked into the guild to see everyone acting normal as a chair flew past my face. 

" Hey Lu-chan."

I saw Levy walk over to me. 

"Oh, hi Levy." 

I walked to the bar with Levy to get a milkshake. 

"I got the new book today."

"Really, let me read it afterward."

" Sure."

" Hey Mira, can I have the usual." 

I turned towards her on the stool I'm sitting on.


"Hey Luce!" 

Natsu looked so childish right now, but he always does.

 "Oh, hi Natsu." 

I can see Natsu walking towards me after getting hit in the head by Erza.

"Wanna go on a job, I already asked the others."

"Sure, but I get to pick this time you picked last time." 


I saw Natsu pouting about not getting to pick the job. I just rolled my eyes and walked to the request board. 

Oh choose that one, or that one, that one looks cool." 

Natsu was constantly pointing to different request which was very annoying and making it very difficult to choose something. 

 I continued looking on the board until one caught my eye. It was to translate some ancient script in a cave for 40,000 jewels that was perfect for rent money. 

"Hey Natsu I got this one and it pays really well it's in Winterfield, we have to translate ancient script from a cave.

(A/N I am trying, sorry)

"Okay then let's go tell Mira." 

We walked over to the bar to where Mira was.

"Hey Mira we are taking this to request." I said sliding them over to her. 

 She said taking out a book of recorded request that had been taken. 

"Natsu wouldn't stop whinning." Happy said out of the blue. 

"Was not." 

Natsu folded his arms and pouted.

"Was too."

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Was no.t"

 Their fight of was not and was toos went on and on as Mira gave me the request back. Then Erza came and wacked both of them in the head. 

"Stop fight."

"A-aye" they said in unison

"Ha, flame brain is a wimp."

"What did you say ice princess." 

Gray and Natsu bashed their heads together.

"I said you were afraid got a prob-"


"Y-yes ma'am."

Time skip

We got to the train station and waited for the train.

"Do we really have to take the train why can't we walk."

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