The Cave

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Hey guys I'm back with the next chapter you will understand the picture later right now just look at it. I was hard for me to choose which one I should use this was my final choice it was really hard to choose. There were so many good ones on pinterest. I hope you like this chapter. Anyway on with the story.

Erza POV

We found a hotel called Starlight Inn. We were able to get 3 rooms with the money we had on us. We looked for a nice restuarant to eat in I found a bakery that served all types of cakes, so I walked in and saw all the delicious cakes. I had stars in my eyes, and all I could think about was how many strawberry cakes I could order.

"Hello ma'am how may I help you?" the clerk asked.

"Hello may I have 10 strawberry cakes please."

"Sure please wait here while I get your cake."

I sat down at an empty table, I only got 10 because we were on a job and that's my minimum amount of my delicious strawberry cake. I hope the others found a place to eat I have a feeling this is going to be kinda long. Anyway all I need to worry about is my strawberry cake.

"Ma'am your cake is ready." 

I look up and the clerk and head over to her quickly.

"Thank you," I grab my cakes from her "have a nice day."

"You too." 

That lady is nice. Well anyway better start heading back to the Inn it's really late now. I quickly walk to the Inn to see Lucy with a plate of steak and salad, Natsu with a bunch of empty bowls everywhere, Happy with fish bones all around him, and Gray with chicken and white rice, Wendy was having yogurt with some friut, and Carla was drinking tea.

"Oh Erza your back." 

Lucy looked up from her food to look at me. Right now we are in the room that Lucy, Wendy, Carla, and I are going to share.

"Yeah and I got strawberry cake." 

Lucy sweat-dropped, I sit down with everyone and take out one of my cakes, I grab a fork and start eating, and all my worries go away. The delicious taste of strawberry cake. 

Time skip brought to you by strawberry cake

The next morning I get up and take a shower, brush my teeth, and changed into my armor. I get the rest of my strawberry cakes and leave. I see Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Carla down there already.

"Good morning guys."

I sit down and start eating breakfast. (aka strawberry cake).

"Good morning Erza."

Lucy looks up from her book and quickly looks back down at it while Happy is munching fish and Natsu is looking bored out of his mind.

"Good morning Erza-san."

"When is ice princess going to get down here?" 

Natsu groaned as he slid down of the chair to the floor.

"I'm already here flame brain."

Gray is standing on the stairs looking down at us.

"What did you call me ice princess." 

They had already started fighting, and I can't enjoy my precious strawberry cake while they're fighting.

"I called you flame brain go-"

I bashed their heads on the floor

"Stop fighting."

"Y-y-yes ma'am"

"Since everyone is here lets go now."

 I watch as Lucy slowly started getting up while still reading her book. Wow she must be really interested in that book. I put my cake away and we head out of the Inn with our stuff. We start walking east towards the cave when we got there we weren't that far from the town. 

Time skip brought to you by Author-chan

We went inside the cave and honestly this was the most beautiful cave I have ever seen there was a pool of blue water in the middle and there was the script on the wall next to it there were also some crystals that gave the cave some light. I saw Lucy rummaging in her bag she took out a book and moved a rock to the place where the ancient script was.

"Everyone start looking around the cave for clues and make sure to stay away from the water" I yelled at everyone, right now Lucy was the closest to the water on a rock. I touched the crystal and the walls of the cave. After a few minutes of exploring the cave I felt like we had enough time to look around.

"Lucy did you find out the meaning yet."

I looked over at her.

"Yes I did."

"What does it mean then?" Wendy asked.

"It says:

Break the seal

Uncover the hidden 

Unlock thy secret 

And bring me to my true form

O spell of truth."

(A/N: I promise I'm trying)

"What does it mean Lucy-san."

"I don't know Wendy, but it sounds like a spell to break some sort of seal."

"We should hurry up and get back." Gray said with his shirt of.

"Gray clothes."

"How did that happen!" I looked at Lucy trying to get down from the rock but slipped and fell.

"LUCY!" I yelled but it was to late she fell into the water. Everyone looked back at me.

"Erza-san what happened."

"Where's Lucy?" Gray asked.

"She fell into the water." 

Everyone rushed over to the edge but not to close do they won't fall in. We looked into the water and looked around.

"How are we going to get her out?" Carla asked.

"Don't know."

Then I saw a bright light in the water.

"Hey guys look!" 

I pointed to the light in the water. Everyone looked to where I was pointing.

"What's that?" 

 As Happy said that the bright light rose out of the water and we saw...


Thank you for reading this chapter I will try to update soon and please let me know what you think in the comments. Author-chan is out. Bye!

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