Chapter 4

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One week has past after the fan meeting. I came out from the bathroom and started to dry my hair. I have work today so I had to wake up early.

After everything was done, I went down stairs and take my apartment key from the kitchen island. I lock the door and start to walk to the cafe I work at. The cafe is near from my apartment so I did not drive.

once I reach the cafe, the workers greeted me. I greet them back and went to my locker and put my things in. I took out my apron and put it on. I went out and they assigned me to be the cashier. So I did as I was told to.

"Good morning sir, what would you like to have?" I asked

"One ice americano please" He said


Its already been half of the day now, I still got a few more hours to get off work. Suddenly the bell rings at the door which means there's a customer came in or out. I look up and saw a guy standing there for a second before coming to me. I can't really see his face as he was wearing a hat and a mask covering his face. This reminds me of taehyung.

"Good afternoon sir, what would you like to get?" I asked and smiled.

"A hot chocolate please" he said lifting up his head.




"W-What are you doing here" I whispered. Worried that the fans would recognize him.

"We met again, Y/N" taehyung said and smirked.

"is this our fate?" he asked with a shocked face

"F-fate?" I asked. My heart skip a beat when he said 'our fate'

By the way he remember my name. That makes me kind of happy.

"Yea, this is the third time we met right?" he said and grinned.

"I-" I was about to speak but some girls came into the cafe and it stop me by the sound of the bell.

They came in while talking to each other.

"Taehyung hide" I said and shhoo him away.

He walk away to the end of the space and find an empty seat. Back facing from us.

"Good afternoon, miss, what would you like to have?" I asked, there are 3 girls infront. They look playful I hope they are not.

"I'll get one cafe latte.... Wait, do you have sprite here?" one of them with spectacles on ask cheekily and started to laugh with their friends.

I was speechles for a second but I reply them calmly.

"No, we don't have here" I said

"Flat white, rm always order that" the other one with long hair ordered.

she laughed and the others did too.
They must be crazy. What was so funny?

"Caramel machiato and red velvet cake" the last girl ordered.

They all said together, I barely heard them

"Wait, hold on a second please. I'm sorry can you please repeat again?" I said.

The one with specs rolled her eyes at me and repeated again.

"okay, please let me repeat again. One flat white, cafe latte, caramel latte, one-"

"Wait, what? Caramel latte?" the one with specs have bad attitude and the last girl said.

"Are you deaf?" the girl with long hair said to me.

Not just one having bad attitudes.

"She ordered caramel machiato!" she shouted.

Everyone in the cafe look at us. One of my colleagues came beside me.

"I'm sorry, I misheard your order" I apologize and bow.

"We're sorry, we will change the order" my colleagues apologize.

"Misheard? I think you're deaf!" the last girl shouted.

I was scared but it was still my mistake. Maybe some. They said it together even when I ask them to repeat so I barely hear them.

"What kind of worker are you, I can't believe they hired you!" the girl with specs shouted again

"I'm-" I lost my words, I'm tearing up.

"What a cry baby" the other one with long hair said.

"Yah!" taehyung shouted while walking towards us.

"Who are you? None of your business" the one with specs said angrily.

"She just made a mistake. Who doesn't make mistake?" he said and took off his hat and mask

"V-V!" the girls shouted.

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