Chapter 5: Unexplainable

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Small chapters. Big book.

When Ukraine made it back to the hospital she rushed in every room to find Belarus "need help finding something ma'am?" A suspicious voice said. Ukraine turned around and saw Philippines. "Philippines?! Do you work at a hospital?! Whaaaaa~?" Ukraine stared at him for a few seconds, "uh no... I was donating blood so I can get this cool bandaid!" Said Philippines lifting her sleeve, showing his bandaid. "Uh............... OKAy....?" Ukraine said walking in the elevator, Philippines followed. "So? What are you looking for?" Philippines said leaning on the rail. "Well; I need help finding my sister who collapsed." They stopped on the 4th floor, "this is your stop?" Ukraine asked Philippines. "Nah, I wanted to see my friend Belarus" she said walking in Belarus room. Britain was there surprisingly sitting in a chair beside Belarus sipping tea. "Britain? I thought you hated the Russians!?" , Britain turned to Philippines and Ukraine. "I walked in the wrong room and decided to give her company, little did you know, I do hate the Russians, but it seems like I made a new friend,"  he said folding his arms picking his teacup walking towards the door, he pushed Ukraine out the way and left. Russia and America rushed inside the door, knocking over Ukraine. "SIS! DON'T
DIE.." Russia said crying on Belarus' shoulder, "erm... I gotta catch up with my dad! He doesn't like me around you and I bet he is around here somewhere." America said giving Russia a hug walking out the door. Poland, Germany, and Union soviet broke the door open. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER! ILL KILL YOU ALL, YOU-" Ussr paused, and looked at Belarus. He fell on his knees. Poland smiled with tears rolling down his cheek, "you always brighten my soul and spirit when you're around, I remember that day Russia was bullying me, you pushed you're on brother for me....". Belarus woke up, "Guys?" She said rubbing her eyes Everyone gasped. "BELARUS!" Everyone said giving her a giant hug  Russia was laughing. "Guys, I don't feel so good..."  Ukraine said, "same...." Russia said falling asleep. Everyone started changing colors. "Oh.... god... he's back...?" Ussr said picking up Belarus and holding Ukraine's hand along with Russia's. "Come along countries! We must run!" Ussr said running out the door.
(To be continued.)

Words....words....words....words.....words... oh sorry! I was thinking about what's happening In the next chapter! It's been so long, we'll not exactly, only 6 days ago. I'm eating popcorn 🍿 :)

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