Chapter 14: halfway anywhere

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America, Philippines, Belarus, and Poland were still driving South.
They didn't know much but to keep going south, until they found "a blue X on a tree." Poland explained 30 minutes ago. Poland studied myths so he knew much. Anyways, while they were driving they stumbled and bumped onto a cracky road which caused a hole in the tire. They all groaned, whined, and sighed but thank the lord there was a woods full of trees! "I think we should split up" "good idea America!" "Thanks Poland, I'm usually smart in stupid situations like these" So they all spread out, north, east, south and west.

Philippines POV
It's a good thing I'm in the north side of the trees, My brother told there is always food In the north . I don't know why I believed him but it's worth my stomachache right now.. As I walked I reached the end of the woods, there was no more trees so I headed back to the car.

Belarus POV

I took the east side of the trees. It was windy, so windy I flew and hit a large tree... I pulled out my flash light and pointed it at the deep hole I found, nothing was in there but a toy that punched me in the face when I was 4 years old. I kept walking until I reached a dead end. So I headed back to the car.
Narrator POV
It seemed Poland found the tree, he told everybody and gathered them. There was a deep hole that can fit a country human inside, it was a slide. They all slid down the hole screaming,  they all fell in a black void. Belarus rubs her eyes as she stands.
Poland was missing. The hole was bigger than last time, As America was looking at the hole he heard Philippines scream. "AAAAH" screamed Belarus. Then Belarus and Philippines were missing. Something grabbed America's Leg, He starting screaming, Then the thing grabbed America's Mouth, he couldn't breathe. The thing Slammed him onto the ground below the first floor. It looked and felt like water below the first floor. There were 10 floors, The Last one was at the very very bottom, That's were Russia and Ukraine was. 

To be continued...

Hello again! I know barley anyone is reading this but Thanks for reading this uwu! ➰〰️➰

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