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Craig's POV
"AAAAAHHHH!!!" You might be wondering, "what the fuck?" Well, I am being chased by the hulk as I speak and it's not going well. "TYLER! QUIT CHASING ME YOU ASS!" "THIS IS PAYBACK FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY HAIR!" He yelled back. Yeah, about the hair thing... well I kinda put his hair in pigtails while he was asleep. Even though I'm being chased doesn't mean I regret it.

Thankfully his house was big enough for us to run, and hide in. The world outside is gross. Bugs, grass, ew. Anyway, back to me screaming my head off. "I gotta hide!" So I made a left turn and hid in his closet. "Phew... I think I lost him.." that's what I thought. "He's gonna find me.." As if on cue the doors swing open and I'm met with a firm body on mine and the worst sensation ever. A pinch. "Owie! Hey, that hurts!" I yelped playfully. "Well, do you think you're slick now? For putting my luxurious hair in little school girl pigtails?!" He said while giggling a bit. "Sorry," I said.

He finally let my throbbing cheek go and flopped us both on his bed with me a blushing mess. Yes I like Tyler a lot actually, but I think (more like depression thinks..) he's straight so good luck to me. Now I'm being forced to lay on his chest and just stay like this until one of us speaks up. "Y'know, your hair actually does look good with pigtails," I say while hiding my blush. He turns me around so I'm facing him. "You think?" He asked me. Now, this wasn't like a sassy 'you think' but more of a genuine 'really'. I just stared at him and nodded.

"Hey Ty, I'm getting kinda sleepy. All that running made me tir-" but I was cut off by Tyler pulling me down and nuzzling my back. "There. Now sleep..." he mumbled. This was an eventful day now wasn't it?

This is already starting out stupid. I'm not that good at writing and I probably won't be posting much but I'll try to make this book end up perfect! -Wildladd out.

💞 Minicat Oneshots 💞Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt