Chapter 3

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To Those Nights


It had been 5 years since that world-changing snap. This was the time where most people have already moved on. People got tired of waiting for the hope that would never come. Pretty soon, people came to terms with the fact that their loved ones weren't going to return. People went on with their lives as they made a new purpose for themselves.

*ding dong*

The squeak of the door opening vibrated throughout the air.

"Ah, welcome Heejin! Come on in!"

"Thank you." Heejin bowed to Ryujin's mom.

"Ryujin shall be out soon. Have a seat. Make yourself at home."

Heejin did as she was told and sat comfortably on the sofa.

"Where are you taking her?" Ryujin's mom asked as she was preparing some food.

"I rented out this studio for us to dance in. It's new, they just built it recently."

"Sounds delightful." She contemplated. "Where did you even get the money to do that?"

"Oh, you know, just been saving up."

"I'm sure she'll love to spend her time there."

"Here's hoping."

Ryujin entered the room. "Alright I'm ready, shall we head out now?"

"Let's go." Heejin announced.

"Have fun you two." Ryujin said as she waved to them from the door.

Heejin drove the two to their destination. Meanwhile, Ryujin kept pestering Heejin on where she was taking her. Though she wouldn't budge. The car stopped in front of a modern and hi tech building. The logo spelled out 5 big letters. It looked like a gymnasium or sports center of sorts.

"We're going to work out?" Ryujin questioned, not so appealed by that idea. "Then you mean to tell me I spent all this time looking good for nothing?"

Heejin eyed Ryujin up and down. "I wouldn't say it's for nothing."

"As long as you noticed then I guess I'm fine with working out on our date."

Heejin couldn't help but laugh at Ryujin's dissatisfaction. "Don't worry, you'll enjoy it."

They entered the building. Heejin flashed her ID card that was around her neck. It had the label of "Executive". Many of the workers there welcomed her all greeting her as she passed by them. Then they stepped into the elevator and the doors closed.

"Wow, Ms. Popular over here." Ryujin teased.

"Stop. It's not like that. I'm just the executive here, nothing more, so they have to be nice to me."

"We both know that's not true. You're one of the sweetest people I know under this too of a cool persona you got going on."

"Oh shush, you might as well say it to the whole world while you're at it."

Ryujin backed Heejin into the corner of the elevator then said, "You're the sweetest." Then backed off.

Heejin thought that was odd. "That was kinda weird.. What was that for?"

"You said I might as well say it to the world. And I just did."

Heejin blushed a blazing red. "I'm supposed to be the cool and smooth one in this relationship!"

"Well, too bad, you've been overthrown." Ryujin teased with a small laugh.

"I don't think so." Heejin lightly pushed Ryujin against the wall and planted her hand beside her, trapping her.

"Oh, this old trick? Please. You're gonna have to do much better than that." Ryujin still kept playing around.

This only made Heejin more flustered. She could not believe this girl was being so bold, especially on their date.

"Bunny run out of tricks?" Ryujin smirked. She was really being bold now.

Heejin backed off with a flustered pout, arms crossed looking off to the side. They arrived at the floor as the elevator doors opened.

Ryujin passed by Heejin to pinch her cheeks swiftly. "Aww.. you're so cute when you're flustered." Ryujin walked out of the elevator then turned back. "Ryujin 1. Heejin 0."

Heejin's mouth dropped slightly. This girl is really out here. Heejin followed but not after she said, "More like Heejin 100."

"So where are you taking me?" Ryujin brought up the question once again.

"Follow me." Heejin input some numbers into a pad that opened up to a room.

The room had a ton of space. There were smooth wooden floors. Mirrors on 3 sides of the rectangular room. The fourth side had lockers, a sound system, and a water dispenser.

Ryujin's mind was in absolute awe that her jaw dropped. "What is this?"

Heejin stood at the center of the room presenting it. "The new dance studio here."

Ryujin did not think she'd be working out like this.

"Or I guess I should say, your new dance studio here."

"You didn't."

"I did." Heejin smiled with so much confidence behind it.

Ryujin ran up to Heejin and hugged her tightly. "I love it!"

"I'm glad. Shall we test it out?"

Heejin didn't need an answer to figure out that was a yes.

Ryujin's mother was busy doing the dishes when she noticed something. Out the kitchen there were birds happily chirping at one another. They were cute as they seemed to be very vocal. There were a handful of birds there too. She smiled at nature's environment. Then it rang.

*ding dong*

As soon as she opened the door, Ryujin's mom's mouth dropped so fast.

"Hi." The visitor bowed. "Is Ryujin home?"

"No, she's out right now. I'm sorry... Yuna." Ryujin's mom answered as she realized the impending situation. "But you're welcome to stay while we wait for her to come home."

"Thank you. I appreciate it." Yuna said, as she stepped inside and took a seat on the couch.

"Yuna sweetie, would you mind telling me what you were doing before you came here?"

"I don't remember much, but the last thing I remember was that I was fading in front of Ryujin then I must have knocked out. Then when I woke back up, she was no where around. After that, I decided to come here after seeing the news..."

"What news?"

"Everyone who vanished returned to this day. 5 years later."

"Yuna honey.. you seem to be taking all this so well. Are you okay?"

"It's kinda crazy to wrap my head around it in all honesty, but when has being on the same planet as a super soldier and a flying steel man been normal? I'm just more concerned about Ryujin more than anything else right now."

*the sound of a car engine pulls up from the front yard along with some voices*

"I'll leave you guys to it. I just remembered I have some errands to run." Ryujin's mother reminded as she went out the back to go out.

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