Chapter 4

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Two Nights


"That was probably one of the best dates I've been on." Ryujin confessed as she entered the car.

"Now maybe we can have more of these 'best dates' more often then." Heejin sent a quick peck on her cheek.

Heejin revved the engine and were on their way back to Ryujin's place. Ryujin stared at the access key for the new studio she was gifted. For the longest time, she wanted a dance studio and now she was graced with one. Even more so, it was modern. The sound from the stereo speakers were up-to-date. The mirrors were clean and could change shape. Then there's an assistant AI that responds to her voice for anything she would need. It was next level.

"You're the best, I hope you know that." Ryujin felt the need to make sure Heejin's gift wasn't overlooked.

"I'm not quite sure I do... Why don't you come here and show it." Heejin tapped on her cheek.

"But you're driving."

"Just a quick peck, we'll be fine." Heejin reassured her.

Ryujin agreed and leaned in from the passenger seat. She meant for it to be quick, but she had difficulty reaching her. Heejin leaned in a bit to help her out, but then tried to peck Ryujin with her lips. Then at the last second Ryujin turned her head so Heejin would land on her cheek instead.

"You're so predictable sometimes." Ryujin teased.

"Can you really say that after I've done that trick to you for... oh I don't know... maybe 10+ times?"

Ryujin awkwardly shifted herself to the side. "..That's not the point."

"I thought the whole point was for us to kiss?"

"It is.. it's just-- fine come here."

Heejin succeeded in getting the lips she wanted and had a mini celebration in her seat. Ryujin rolled her eyes playfully as Heejin was being very cute.

The car's speed decelerated approaching slow moving cars.

"That's odd, we don't normally experience traffic around this time." Heejin observed.

"You're right. Was there a crash?"

"Doesn't seem like it, I don't see any flashing lights."

"There are also a lot of people out right now. Maybe there's some sort of event going on?"


The car moved at the pace of traffic. There wasn't much distance left from Ryujin's house so they were able to make it back a little later than expected, but it wasn't a problem. Heejin pulled up into Ryujin's driveway. As Heejin was about to get out, her phone pinged. She was sent a code and she knew it was something important.

"I have to look into something real quick. You can go on ahead. I'll be right there." Heejin notified.

Ryujin understood and left the car.

Heejin's company had sent out a mass notification to all its employees about the death of the company man himself. With such bearing news also came with some good news of why he passed. He undid the snap that happened 5 years ago.

Her heart was filled with a mix of emotions. The death of the company's namesake was gone. People that disappeared were now back. She ran through the list of people that vanished and smiled knowing she could once again talk to them again. Then it dawned on her. Ryujin's past love. Yuna was back too.

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