Chapter 7

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A few hours after explaining my past life and the past 6 years in this life. Some of which Edward explained because he's a damn mind reader and thought some details were important! They did not need to know about that time I snorted a milkshake out of my nose in front of Zack, Edward! We all sat in silence as the Cullens mulled over what was told to them.

"I think it's safe to assume that the Volturi are not on the need to know basis..." I muttered, getting silent nods from the pack of vampires sitting in front of me.

I couldn't stop the huge sigh of relief that escaped me.

"I can't read Bella's thoughts." Edward said rather suddenly. Getting somewhat shocked looks from everyone around the room except myself. "It's like something is blocking her from me, no matter how often I try I can never hear what goes on in her mind."

"She's a damn shield..." I muttered and crossed my arms, somewhat jealous. It would be freaking awesome if I had a special power or something. But nope. I'm just a regular human.

"What do you mean by that?" "You should consider yourself lucky to be normal." Cue Ed-Boy and Rosalie speaking at the same time.

I felt myself growing annoyed.

"What I mean by that, Rosalie, is that Bella has some extremely strong mental abilities, which project themselves as a shield over her mind. I'd bet good money that if you got like... I dunno, an illusionist or something and tried to test it on her, she wouldn't feel a damn thing. Meanwhile I can have my mind poked and prodded by Mr.-" My voice drops several octaves. "I need to stare at everything because I have no personal boundaries..."

The room went silent.

"That sounded just like Edward."

I blinked, giving everyone a blank look. "No it didn't..." I said slowly. No way I could sound exactly like Edward without even trying.

"Anyway, I doubt we have to worry about Bella. She'll be hanging out with the Wolf pack from now on. It won't take long for her to be accepted into their pack." I said absentmindedly. Picking at my fingernails, trying to get the focus off of myself.

"Great." Rosalie hissed. "That means the school will smell of wet dog then."

I couldn't help but snort in amusement after she said that.

"It's not funny." She proceeded to hiss at me, glaring her sharp golden eyes at me, they were almost brown in color at this moment. I returned my glare, two can play this game and I am not backing down from a blond Barbie doll.

I just shrugged, only to be startled by Alice who immediately grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the living room and up the stairs.

"Let's give each other makeovers!" She giggled, I looked back at everyone, helpless and basically pleading for help but they either shrugged or ignored me. Lord help me...


It had been maybe an hour later and Jasper poked his head into the room. "Can you guys keep the cutesy girly giggles and feels down. I'm getting a cavity."

I knew he was teasing us, which amused me to no end. "You know you can't get a cavity and please, stop trying to use modern lingo. It doesn't sound right from your mouth." I said seriously. His accent really did not work with anything that wasn't proper and old fashioned.

Alice continued to giggle quietly from beside me. I stared at her after Jasper left.

"Why do you keep giggling like that?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"I know who you have a crush on!" She squealed.

I felt dread filling me as the blood drained from my face.

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