Kingdom Dance

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"Hello, Tolys," Ivan said, his voice still cheerful, the smile on his face, but his deep violet eyes holding a dangerous glint. Tolys noticed his face was lined, and his hair was starting to grey.

"How'd you find me?" Tolys asked.

"Oh, it was very easy, Tolys!" Ivan said. "I simply followed the scent of betrayal!"

Tolys tried not to flinch.

"We're going home, Tolys," Ivan said in his best 'listen to me because I am your father' voice. "Now."

"Wait!" Tolys said. "I've done all sorts of things since I left—I've even met someone—"

"You mean the wanted thief?" Ivan asked. "Didn't I warn you about thugs?"

"He's not a thug!" Tolys said. Eduard hopped on his shoulder and glared at Ivan. "Just give him a chance, you'll like him, really you will!"

"Tolys. That's enough of this foolishness, don't you think?" Ivan said.

"Father, listen! I—I think he likes me," Tolys said. As he said it out loud, he smiled shyly to himself, his heart fluttering.


He'd never known he liked boys (as he'd never left his tower), but he liked Alfred, so he supposed he must.

"Likes you?" Ivan said, cocking his head. "Tolys, that is crazy talk."

Tolys's smile faded; he swallowed a lump in his throat as he felt another stomach ache coming on.

"But—" Tolys began.

"This is why you should have listened to me! Oh, Tolys, you are so adorable, but think about it! Why would he like you?" Ivan said. "What do you have that would attract him? Do not be so stupid, Tolys, just come with me. I know what's best for—"

In the back of his mind, Tolys recalled what Alfred had told him at the campfire: That if Ivan loved him, he'd let him leave the tower, that he could handle himself, that he'd been the one who saved them—

Tolys suddenly found a new, steely resolve.

"No," he said.

Ivan jerked back in surprise.

"No?" he said, tilting his head. "Oh, so you spend two days outside and you're suddenly all grown up?"

"I'm turning eighteen tomorrow," Tolys said.

"Fine. If you're so sure, why don't you give him this?"

Ivan threw something at him; Tolys caught it, and realized it was Alfred's satchel.

"How'd you—?"

"This is why he's here, Tolys," Ivan said. "Don't be a fool, da? Give him this—"

"I will."

"—and see if he doesn't leave you in an instant! You'll be all alone!" Ivan's eyes clouded with something dark. "You don't want to be alone, do you Tolys? I won't say I told you so!"

"He wouldn't," Tolys said. "Alfred wouldn't do that."

"Then go on," Ivan said. "When he leaves you and you come crying back to me just remember: I know what's best for you."

Ivan retreated back into the bushes.

A few moments later, Alfred came back to camp, arms full of firewood; Tolys hid the satchel behind his back.

Alfred put more logs on the fire and turned to Tolys.

"Am I gonna get super strength in my hand?" he said, exuberant as ever. "Because that'd be so cool!"

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