Truth Revealed

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He'd been caught; and that didn't bring Ludwig as much satisfaction as it should.

The punishment was hanging—which he knew was over the top, but because the nobles had been able to manipulate King Feliks's own laws against thievery, this was the result.

If Alfred Jones was hung, Erzsébet would never speak to him again; Roderich would never speak to him again. Even Erika, his own younger sister, might become distant—and while that would hit Basch much harder, he still loved her.

But what was he supposed to do? It wasn't like he could just set him free; that would be a chaotic mess, and he was already missing a horse, anyways.

Just where was Berlitz, anyways?


The Vargas brothers found themselves staring at the Captain of the Guard's horse.

"Careful," Lovino advised. "It's probably a potato muncher, too."

"Maybe he's here to help us save Alfred!" Feliciano said.

Lovino rolled his eyes. Of all the stupid—!
"And why would he do that, bastard?" Lovino said. "He's part of the group that arrested him, remember?"

The horse stamped its hooves and turned around.

"I think he wants us to follow him!" Feliciano said.

"That's ridiculous!" Lovino said. "It's a horse!"

But he really didn't have much choice as the horse broke into a trot and his younger brother followed.

Lovino went after them.

When he caught up to them, Feliciano was sitting on the horse.

"Come on, fratello!" Feliciano said. "Get on!"

"What about Alfred?"

"He's helping!"

Lovino did not have time for this. Well, if you couldn't beat them, join them.

"Fine," he said, climbing on. "But we're on a time limit, alright, asshole?"

The horse broke into a gallop.


The horse took them to the Snuggly Duckling.

Well, it was time to face the music.

They burst into the tavern, horse and all.

Erzsébet whirled around, seizing her skillet.

"Oh, Feli, Lovi! You're back!" she said. "Where have you—is that Berlitz?"

"Uh—Erzsébet—" Lovino began, shoulders slumping.

Erzsébet's green eyes narrowed.

"Lovino Vargas, what did you do," she demanded.

Lovino searched for the right words—if there were any for this situation—but Feliciano took care of it for him.

By bursting into tears.

"We're so sorry, Erzsébet!" Feliciano wailed. "We didn't mean to, but he was big and scary and we thought he'd hurt Alfred if we didn't do what he said but now Alfred's been arrested—"

"Whoah, whoah, whoah, slow down!" Erzsébet said. "It's alright. Just slow down, Feli, alright?" she soothed, giving him a motherly pat on the back. "Now what happened?"

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