Chapter Five

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A familiar sense of unease filled Viperpaw as she opened her eyes, revealing that she was back in the murky, foggy forest. The fog and mist caked the ground as she quickly rose to her paws, scanning the trees around her. "Rushstar?" She called, hoping she would see the gray-and-white leader.

"Yes, little snake?" Rushstar's voice overhead made her look up to see the leader lounging on a higher branch of a dead tree.

"Why am I here again?" She asked, her tail flicking as she looked the tom over. A few fresh slightly healed wounds added to his patched fur but other than that, he looked just like he had last time. Still as intimidating and mysterious.

Rushstar rose to his paws and leaped down from branch to branch before he stood in front of Viperpaw. "Because, little snake, there are a few of my friends I'd like you to meet." He meowed, his voice smooth like honey.

"Who?" Viperpaw tipped her head to the side, curious. Who would want to live in a forest like this? She shuddered at the thought of living longer than a day in this dark forest where the sun never seemed to touch the dead grass.

The tom kinked his tail over his back, his eyes gleaming as he smiled at Viperpaw. "Come with me and I'll show you." He meowed softly and padded ahead of her.

Viperpaw watched him go with a tug trying to pull her after the large leader. What was she doing? She couldn't follow a cat she barely knew! But he seemed...familiar to her. In a strange way, she felt compelled to go along with whatever Rushstar was going to show her. Reluctantly, Viperpaw followed, making sure to look behind her every so often just in case they were being watched or followed.

"The cats you are about to meet are different from you and your Clanmates, little snake." Rushstar said as she fell into step by his side, her ears barely reaching his shoulder. "If you feel at anytime uncomfortable, just tell me, alright?"

Viperpaw nodded and looked ahead, seeing several silhouettes of cats tangled together in the distance. "What are they doing?" She whispered, looking up at Rushstar in slight fear.

"Training," he answered, his tail flicking around her as he guided her toward the cats. As they got closer, Viperpaw's ears pricked at the sounds of snarling and growling from the two cats. Or was there three? "Amberscar! Patchpelt!" Rushstar called, causing the sound to cease.

A few fox-lengths away, the dark bushes rustled and two she-cats, one larger and fluffier than the other, stepped out of the foliage, their eyes gleaming.

"Ah," mused the smaller of the two as she gazed at Viperpaw with mild curiousity in her teal eyes. "You must be Viperpaw, right? Rushstar has told me a lot about you."

The apprentice cocked her head at the she-cat, taking a few mental notes at the scars that scattered her pelt. "Who are you?" She asked, slightly scared of the ginger-and-white she-cat that towered over her accomplice.

"My name is Patchpelt, Viperpaw." Meowed the tortoiseshell as she flashed her eyes over at Rushstar. "We've been waiting for a long time for you to show up. Especially since you were born all those moons ago."

Viperpaw's heart thumped in her chest as she stared at the two warriors. At least, she thought they were warriors. They had obviously seen battle and their names were similiar to that of a Clan cat. She shifted her gaze to the larger she-cat, who was staring at her with a dark interest that made her whimper.

Rushstar pressed his flank against her, making her relax slightly. "Don't worry, Viperpaw." He purred as he glared at the ginger-and-white she-cat with sharp eyes. "Amberscar, this is my niece. Viperpaw will be training with us."

Viperpaw stared at her uncle in shock and she scrambled away from the three older cats. Her fur prickled with unease and suspicion. "Train with you?" She spat the words as though they had a bad taste. "I never agreed to that!"

Rushstar looked at her, his eyes amused. "Don't worry, little snake." He cooed, padding around her and gently pushing her toward the two she-cats. "Training with us will make you a better warrior in your Clan."

Amberscar purred and it sounded like two sticks grinding together. Viperpaw cringed and pressed closer to Rushstar, hoping for comfort. "Come with us every night and we'll teach you the true meaning of being a warrior, Viperpaw."

Viperpaw hesitated and Patchpelt's eyes flashed with anger and annoyance. "Why are we wasting time with this kitten instead of training the others?" She demanded, making Viperpaw flinch at her brazen tone.

Rushstar lashed out with a paw and, quick as lightning, struck the tortoiseshell she-cat with his powerful and sharp claws. Blood sprayed the dead grass as Patchpelt stumbled, making Viperpaw gasp. "She is not a kitten, Patchpelt." He growled, his voice unusually deep and angry. "She's useful to us, remember?"

Patchpelt glared at him, hatred pouring into her teal gaze as she whirled around and stalked away. Viperpaw stared after her in shock as she lashed her tail, disappearing into the dark fog.

"So," Amberscar unsheathed her claws and they pricked the grass that crumbled beneath them. "When shall we start training?" She asked, looking to Rushstar.

Rushstar looked at Viperpaw and she realized with a jolt that he was beginning to blur in front of her. "Tomorrow night, since she's starting to wake up." He answered and touched noses with Viperpaw. "See you then, little snake."


"Viperpaw?" Dovepaw's mew roused Viperpaw from her sleep. She was covered in what felt like a fluffy, soft cloud that wrapped around her comfortingly.

Alarmed, she leaped up and spun around, shocked to find Dovepaw sitting in her nest. Her cheeks were flushed a dark shade of pink and she refused to meet Viperpaw's eyes.

"What are you doing in my nest?" Viperpaw's voice was high-pitched, making her squeak mid-sentence.

Dovepaw flattened her ears to her head, her cheeks deepening in color. "I-...uh...I-...."

"So flustered you can't speak, huh?" Viperpaw lashed her tail, her ears starting to burn in anger and embarrassment.

The older apprentice straightened at her embarrassed look, the twinkle in her eyes dimming slightly. "You were whimpering in your sleep," she explained and Viperpaw winced. "It woke me up and I went to your nest to calm you down."

"So you decided cuddling me would be the best solution other than waking me up?" Viperpaw watched as Dovepaw rose to her paws and looked down at her.

Dovepaw flushed again and she shifted her paws, trying to avoid Viperpaw's gaze.

Before Viperpaw could speak, her mentor's voice rang in her ears, echoing throughout the den. "Viperpaw!" Cursedblood sounded angry and he clearly didn't want to be kept waiting for long.

"Coming!" Viperpaw called back, her eyes pinning Dovepaw to the ground as she whirled around and padded toward the den entrance.

"Viperpaw, wait." Dovepaw's paw flattened her tail to the ground and she let out a small hiss, turning to peer over her shoulder. "I'm sorry-"

Viperpaw cut her off with a sharp remark. "Drop it, Dovepaw." Her tone made Dovepaw's body go rigid and she smirked. "Unless you want to end up with shredded ears while you sleep." Without another fleeting look at the older apprentice, Viperpaw slipped out of the den.

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