Chapter Six

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"Try again, Viperpaw." Cursedblood urged as she missed the leaf she tried to land on for the third time. Viperpaw groaned and looked over her shoulder at her mentor, annoyance pulsing in her paws.

"When can we move on?" Viperpaw complained, her tail lashing back and forth as she rose to her full height. Her dream in the foggy forest still fresh in her mind. "This is boring."

Cursedblood's eyes flashed with irritation and Viperpaw quietly winced. "Hunting practice is valuable to us, Viperpaw." He retorted sharply. "Besides, you'll make a fine hunter in the long run."

And squirrels with hop into the fresh-kill pile. She thought with a snort of anger. Nonetheless, she rolled her eyes and focused on the leaf once more, determined to flatten it beneath her light silver paws. She narrowed her eyes, claws unsheathing as she began to stalk towards the light brown spotted leaf.

There was a flash of movement in the corner of her eyes and Viperpaw faltered, surprised. Is it one of the hunting patrols? She wondered, envious of the cats who didn't have to practice hunting. Turning her attention back to her target, she sprang, her paws and claws outstretched as she headed for the leaf.

Another flash of movement distracted her and she slammed against the ground, missing the leaf again and she heard Cursedblood grunt in surprise.

"Don't worry, Viperpaw." Her mentor padded to her side, his voice defeated as he met her eyes, his own glinting with disappointment that sliced through Viperpaw. "We'll try again tomorrow."

Despite the warrior nudging her shoulder with his nose, Viperpaw stared into the forest beyond the mossy clearing where they were training. She searched the oaks for any sign of life other than the foliage that was turning brown, orange, red, and yellow. I saw something, she thought. I swear I did.

Cursedblood glanced at her in confusion that was mixed with irritation. "Viperpaw? What's the matter?" He lifted his gaze to follow hers, scanning the treeline.

"I-I saw something." She meowed, aware of how pathetic her voice sounded. "In the trees."

Cursedblood twitched his ear. "It was probably nothing," he mewed and flicked his tail. "Come on, let's head back to camp. I want to catch the next hunting patrol."

Viperpaw watched the trees a moment longer before looking at her mentor. As Cursedblood padded in the direction of the camp, Viperpaw followed him with her eyes, watching as he walked away, a spring in his step. She let out a sigh and, with great effort, began to pad after him.


Viperpaw sighed as she nudged Amberkit onto her paws, watching as the young kit whirled on her heels and leaped at her face. The kit planted her front paws on the apprentice's muzzle, claws scratching Viperpaw's face. The she-cat winced and shook the small cat off her muzzle, watching as she toppled onto her back with a squeak.

If Badgerstorm doesn't come back with her prey soon, she won't have kits to come back to. She thought as Cloudkit chewed on her right ear and Thunderkit pounced on her tail. Tiny claws sank into her flesh, piercing through her fur as she stumbled back and fell onto her side. Defeated, she allowed the kits to crawl over her as she closed her eyes, helpless.

"Hey, kits!" A voice made all three kittens freeze and Viperpaw opened one eye to see Dovepaw watching on in amusement. Her left front paw was lifted, claws unsheathed, and a wad of green moss dangled from the tips. She had all three of the kits' attention and she took her sweet time as she gazed at Viperpaw. "Why trample poor newbie when you could play with something other than a piece of fresh-kill?" With a broad smile on the older apprentice's face, she threw the moss ball to her left and the kits hurled themselves after it.

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