Heart of Silver

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I have the gist of the rest of this story figured out and I'm hoping to get it finished soon, I've taken entirely too long to get back to it but I've figured out why I struggle so much with it. It's not easy to try and write something that matches the canon storyline, which is the route this is going, and I may have a plan to make it a little easier on myself. In theory at least.

"We're sorry (Y/n)!"

The guys took about a day to get back to you. Now they were practically grovelling at your feet as they apologized for making things so awkward. You had just gotten out of bed and still weren't quite awake, swaying back and forth a little as you rubbed the sleepy feeling out of your eyes.

Other crewmates were passing by, shooting their friends strange looks without stopping. They were curious but not so much that they were willing to stand and gawk.

"It's all good guys." You smiled and could practically see their hearts melting.

"You forgive us?" Shachi was pretty much in tears.


"We still shouldn't have acted like that." Bart grumbled. "I know better than that."

"Eh, Law pointed out that our situations weren't quite the same and that was something I didn't think about."

"It doesn't change the fact that you were...." He glanced around as a couple other people passed by, like he was afraid you didn't want others to know.

"You can say it. I don't feel like I have to keep it from people anymore." Strangely enough, you'd come to terms with it finally and you knew after the initial shock some people may have, they'd treat you the same as always.

That all worked back up to their feet, now content that you didn't absolutely hate them for their reaction yesterday.

"Are you comfortable with it?" Penguin asked.

"People knowing? Yeah. It is what it is and you guys can either take me as I am or suffer through me living on the ship with ya." You giggled as Law came out of the room and saw the men all crowding the hallway with you.

"What is this, an intervention?" He said grumpily. Someone still needed their morning coffee.

"An apology." You answered.

"Ah. I don't have to punish anyone then."


The men all cringed as they realized they just barely avoided their captains wrath.

"Well, if that's done then get to work. I'm sure there's chores to do."

They scampered away in a flurry of "yes captain"s and you were left to contemplate what to do for your day. Yesterday you took the time to practice with your observation haki and it was getting easier to handle, much faster than you thought it'd be. Maybe you'd see if anyone else needed help with work around the ship.

"What's your plan today?" You asked Law as you followed him to the kitchen. Breakfast came first.

"Make sure we're on track, double check the ship for possible issues before leaving it to the crew, maybe get some time in on deck if I can squeeze it in."

"Busy as always." You noted as he checked through the fridge, tossing you an apple as he took one for himself.

"As is the life of a captain." He smirked at you. "And what's on your agenda?"

"Hmmmm." You took a bite of the apple and chewed thoughtfully. "Well Shachi and Penguin wanted to show me some more of the mechanics down below so I might as well check that out. Doesn't hurt to learn more about the ship. And even if I said I don't want to look into finding Leo just yet, I'm thinking about checking the locket for something I might have missed."

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