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SANEM POV: Present day.

My first introduction to the start of a new day is the sound of my older sister's heavy footsteps, running up the stairs.
She bursts through the door of my bedroom, fair hair flowing out wildly, moving directly to the window.
One floral curtain gets yanked back, allowing the morning summer sun to stream in, straight into my eyes.

I'm barely awake, my eyes squinting with the sudden white light piercing through the room.

I put my hand up to shield the brightness and lean up on one elbow.
My voice is groggy and dry.

"Leyla, what on earth is so important..."

"HE'S BACK!!!"

I don't need to ask who, because she's holding up in front of my face the morning tabloid and there, staring out at me from the front page is the handsome face of CAN DIVIT, aka The Albatross, Olympic Diving Champion.

He looks different, his image much changed from the last time he was seen in public, 15 months previously.

I rake my gaze over the photo, taking him all in, having flashbacks to how he looked the last time I saw him and how he looks now.

His skin is tanned and bronze. He looks very healthy. He's been working out, his shoulders are broader, his chest wider. His hair, highlighted by the sun, is long enough to be scraped back from his face and he's styled it into a knot at the back of his head. Designer stubble has now become a chestnut brown beard.
His style is more relaxed, shirt undone, necklaces hang down over his undershirt, his sunglasses still perched over his forehead and his sensuous chocolate brown eyes still send shivers down my spine
Even in flat newspaper print form, I get a jolt that goes straight into my heart.

I sit up straight, suddenly wide awake and begin to read the words under the picture

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I sit up straight, suddenly wide awake and begin to read the words under the picture.

"After 15 months out of the spotlight, Olympic Gold medallist and former World number one high board diver, Can 'the Albatross' Divit was spotted at airport arrivals, late last night.

Looking tanned and physically fit, he was seen getting into a waiting car, which then sped off towards his house, located high up in the mountains over looking the Bosphorus and the city nightlights.

His high flying diving career seemingly put on hold after photos of late night partying appeared day after day in this very tabloid and then came the famous 'Slap in the face' incident at The 5 star Hilton Istanbul Hotel during the launch of his new designer menswear and sports brand. ALBATROSS

The blow delivered by a very attractive young woman.

She was last seen running away in tears and has been in hiding ever since.

So, just what had the handsome diver done or said to her to provoke her physical attack on him?

He refused to answer or release any statements in the days that followed and finally, lost his sponsorship deal, despite his fashion brand being a phenomenal success, selling out in all outlets 24 hours after its launch.
Demand is still high for the Albatross label.

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