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My first day back at the magazine after spring launch at Paris Fashion week and already I'm stressed

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My first day back at the magazine after spring launch at Paris Fashion week and already I'm stressed.
The phones haven't stopped ringing and I'm trying to read an email that's been forwarded to me.

The hastily written note on my screen has directed me to a problem.

Re: Can Divit - 'Albatross' menswear  piece.
An article written by Sanem Aydin, freelance writer, may need some adjusting.
His lawyer Nasli Celik called.
Call Sanem and get her to phone her please...She did the interview. New photos at the printer.
This needs to go ASAP. Next Edition!
P. S. Welcome back Fashionista.

Can Divit.
Now there's a man.
Intelligent, Successful, Olympic Diver, Hot as F**k!
And most importantly, very stylish and very...Rich.
His 'Albatross' menswear range is the new market leader.
He's collaborated, designed it and been modelling it.
I missed the launch night.

Uff, Why did a freelance get to interview him?
I'm the Fashion Editor.
Time to catch up on this story...

A few conversations later and some Internet surfing on the recent tabloid headlines and I've got a story of my own developing.

I find the email from Sanem and settle down to read her article...

She's good.
It's intelligent writing, very informative. She's a beautiful storyteller. The words flow and the reader gets drawn into this happy family.
It's got a sweet spin to it about his relationship with his father.
His dreams for him and how together they made them come true.
My God, Walt Disney could make a film about him.

But the Can Divit in her piece, bears no resemblance to the current Tabloids, Can Divit.
All night bar trawls, cruising for women. Getting slapped at his own launch party.

I read the post note again.
Get Sanem to call his lawyer?
New photos?

My next phone call is to the photo editing department.
Why new photos?
He doesn't know but he can send me the before and after shots.

A few minutes later, my email pings.

So, the Before shots, as I expected, are of Can modelling his new clothes range.
And now we've been sent... older diving ones and modelling assignments.

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