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The Doctor calls my name.

"Sanem... do you want to come through?"

I lift Deniz from my lap, pick up his changing bag and follow her through the reception of the modern clinic and into a corridor of doors.

In the treatment room, she looks on her laptop screen at our notes.

"So, How is Deniz now? He looks very healthy and very handsome. What gorgeous dark eyes."
Deniz grins and his tongue peeks outs at her. He knows his audience.
"Oh, how cute are you?"

I smile and kiss his head, never tiring of that particular genetic mannerism

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I smile and kiss his head, never tiring of that particular genetic mannerism.
I get a sudden longing to see the original execute it, while leaning over me, but I take a breath in and answer her question.

"He's great. We're trying lots of different foods, and he's not had any other allergic reactions. The tests showed it was just the one.
But actually I'm not here for Deniz."

"Okay, well that's good news. What can I help you with today?"

"Well, I want to carry on feeding Deniz, for as long as I can, but I'd like to know about my options for birth control pills."

"Okay. That's fine. I'll just need to ask you a few questions about your health and lifestyle. Take a blood pressure reading and then we can discuss."

15 minutes later, I hand over the prescription to the pharmacy assistant and wait.

I don't mention it to Can when he calls just before bedtime.
The sound of his deep husky voice through the phone makes me forget most of what I was going to tell him anyway.
He always asks if we're okay first. Is Deniz okay? What did I do today?
I wish I had something exciting to tell him.
"We're fine, apart from Deniz trying to cut this tooth. We went to see my parents yesterday. How are you doing?"

"Good, so far. Tomorrow, I have to perform the dives that I'll do in competition, then I'll watch them all back and look for any areas that need adjusting, then I'll practise again."

"It sounds exhausting."
"It's just a bit repetitive. Have you been sleeping well?"

I think he wants to know... How has it been without him!

"I'm used to disrupted sleep, but Deniz has been up, a few more times than usual."
"Teething pain."
"Yes, and he's unsettled. He misses you, I think."
"Do you think so? What about you? Are you missing me?"

I feel a bit embarrassed saying it.

"Yes, I miss you."
"Good, I'm missing you too."

It seems unbelievable that we feel like this, in such a short time, but it's true.

It really didn't take long for him to hijack my heart.



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