Chapter 1

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"Ring ring".
The bell rang signaling the end of the period. One class left before I get to take the torturous walk home.
My idiot of a brother crashed my beat-up car racing with some idiot friend of his. My parents are gone most of the time on business trips. Since my brother was arrested, For the racing,I now am living pretty much alone.
" How's it going Gracie?" my friend Sarah asked. Shes one of the popular girls and yet somehow tolerates my plainess. She gets all the boys she wants and knows how to get her way. She's tall, slender with petite features. She has long natural blonde hair that actually cooperates with her, little plaid skirt that matches her yellow t-shirt and little wedged shoes . Sometimes I feel so average around her with my long wavy hair thad won't straighten or curl, oversized concert hoodie, normal skinny jeans, and my green men's Adadis.
"Not bad, it'll be better once I get home."
She looked at me with a face that screams, "I'm going to get you to go out tonight!" I'm not one for parties. At Westlake high, there's at least one every weekend. They usually last until the next week. I don't like socializing at all.
"Don't give me that look. I'm not going anywhere tonight. I'm gonna study and sleep."
"You have no social life. We need to get you into the throng of people. We also need to figure out what you should wear. I know you don't have anything acceptable. This is gonna be so much fun! Your coming home with me today"
At this point, I feel numb. I honestly don't want to go, but maybe I should get a taste of the high school experience.
"I guess if I don't have a choice, I'll go. But I'm leaving the second some one touches me. I don't care who."
She actually squealed from the excitement of having me as her next big project. I never had any sister, but I'd like think this is what it would be like. Teacher starts talking in his, very nondescript, monotone voice. I put my ear buds in and ignore everything. Mr. White gave up on telling me to take my ear buds out. He figured out it was a losing battle. It's good for my benefit I guess, it drives him up the wall so that a plus. Sarah tapped my foot under the desk to get my attention. Apparently there's a new student. And apparently he was asking if the desk to the left of me was taken. I shook my head. Something seemed off about him. I couldn't quite place it. He looked like every heart-throb new kid in the movies. brow hair, green eyes, looked like he was in his thirties maybe with kids. He was pretty easy on the eyes, in a rugged way. He has a good thing going for him, looks wise anyway. The "sharks" we're getting ready to make their move. Sharks the popular girls. I almost felt bad for the guy. Poor schmuck. You could hear their not so subtle whispers to each other about the new guy.
For some reason, it was hard to be around him. I needed some air. I asked to use the restroom and without waiting for a response, I left. Mr. White wouldn't be able to do anything with his decrepit body. He doesn't care enough anyway. The last door to get to the outside world was just a few feet. I then hear new guy call out my name
"Gracelynn Paine, we need to talk." 

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