The Nerd

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'The gaydy bunch?' Mattias thought staring at the three of them with wide eyes "How the f**k did you know i was bisexual??" he asked stunned

Annie stuck her tongue out and winked at him "Just a lucky guess!" she told him giggling as Aaron grinned at Mattias while luna stimmed, flapping her arms.

Mattias smiled back "Well..yeah sure! Sounds fun." he told them, he was glad that he found his friend group on his first day at his new school as he seemed to beam with happiness

Luna looked at Mattias and smiled at him  "Well, i hope you enjoy hanging out with us!" she told him continuing to smile

Aaron nodded "Yeah! We go out to town together, we go to Forbidden planet and Damaged society, we should plan something and go together sometime!" they suggested

Mattias gave them all a nod "Yeah! Sure, that sounds fun!" he told Aaron, before the bell went.

Annie sighed as people started to get up and head to class muttering and talking amongst themseleves, the sound of shuffling in the background, people picking up their bags and walking out of the cafeteria "Well.. I have free period, ill see you guys later!" she told her friends smiling, giving them a wave before walking away

Mattias checked his time table "Oh, i have History." he told Luna and Aaron

Luna smiled "Oh! Me too!" she told him smiling at him gently "You can sit next to me." she told him

Aaron gasped "Luna, are you cheating on me?!We have been friends for 4 years and now you are leaving me?!" They asked luna

Luna rolled her eyes "Dude, hes only sitting next yo me, chill." she told them as Mattias just stared at the two with a confused look.

Luna and Mattias went to History together while Aaron went to D.T,

~After class~

Luna, Aaron, Mattias and Annie met up and walked down the halls together, oddly they all had free period together as they talked about Stranger things and whats going to happen in season 4.

Hubert was strutting his way down the halls, magnificently as he swayed his hips side to side one of his hands on his waist as he walked.

Mattias saw Hubert "Uh.. Whos that??" he asked Luna as luna looked over at Hubert blinking

"Uh.. Hello Hubert.." she told him

"F**k off." The male prostitute told luna in a posh voice, looking at Aaron and blowing him a kiss while Aaron blushed before Hubert strutted off

Luna laughed a bit "Uh.. Thats Hubert the male prostitute." she told Mattias smiling nervously "Don't ask...I know hes magically fabulous." she told him

Aaron smirked "Yeah he is~" they told luna as Luna facepalmed

"Has he struck you im the heart, AGAIN?!" she asked them as she went over to them smacking him "SNAP OUT OF IT!" she yelled while Annie and Mattias stood aside watching this with wide eyes, confused and scared.

~Afted that~

Aaron snapped out of it, this happened quite alot, whenever Hubert blew a kiss at Aaron or flirted him, Aaron was easily seduced, blinded by Huberts fabulousness. Now the group was in the six form centre talking

"Have any of you listened to the musical Six?" Luna asked them, the six form centre was quite empty, only them and a few others were in there, like a girl luna knows called Sarah,who has light brown hair tied back in a ponytail with a fringe with caramel eyes, who wore a black jacket a bisexual t shirt with black jeans, boots with rainbow stickers at the back,she also wore black eyeliner.

Sarah saw luna, got up and walked over to her "Square up." she told her

Luna got up as the rest of the group watched this confused "Square up, b**h." she told Sarah "Ill kick your head!" she added

Sarah blinked confused "Oh yeah? Kick my head? Above your waist? Id love to see that!" she told luna "Since your so small and tiny." she giggled, sarah was taller than luna, everyone was taller than Luna

Luna screeched "Imma be tall!" she told her going over to mattias climbing him "Charge!" she told mattias

Mattias, confused looked up at luna "No?" he told her taking her off his back and putting her om the ground giving her a head pat

Luna suddenly exploded and waddled over to Sarah punching her, which was very light

Sarah looked down at luna with a blank, confused look "Uh?...that didn't hurt." she told luna picking her up "Your so light... Oh my god.." she told luna

However, Luna was angry, glaring at Sarah "Put me down, poon!" she told her

Sarah raised an eyebrow "Poon? Whats a poon?" she asked

Luna huffed "An idiot!" she told her, as she escaped Sarah's grip "Ill square up to you one day!" she told her

Sarah laughed "Yeah, right!" she giggling and patted lunas head who was shaking with anger, seriously triggered.

Luna huffed and calmed down "Fine then!.... Poon!" she told her as Sarah laughed leaving going back to her seat.

Luna had her arms up, curved slightly, like shes about to square up to someone as she had her cheeks puffed out.

Aaron blinked "Luna, you wont be able to fight anyone and you know it."

Luna gasped dramatically "Wh-What?! HOw dare you! I can fight you!" she told them 

Aaron laughed "Not with those noodle arms!" they teased

Luna just growled in embarrassment blushing heavily "Shut up!" she told them sitting back down next to Aaron "Anyway..Annie have you watched Six the musical?" she asked her

Annie gasped "Oh! Yes I have!its great! All of the queens are so hot!" she told Luna, Annie and luna fangirlled about musicals, anime and studio Ghibli films.

Luna smiled "Ah! Yes! They are all great!" she told her grinning "Grew up in the french court-"

"Oui oui Bonjour!~" Annie replied in a sing song voice

"Life was a chore so!-" Luna sang

"She set sail!" they said in unision as they giggled "We should go to the live musical together!" Luna told Annie

Annie beamed "Yes! We should!" she told her clapping her hands

Mattias watched the two and saw that they were quite close woth eachother as he looked over at Aaron "So.. You heard of Thomas sanders?" he asked them

Aaron smiled "Yes, obviously! Logan is my favourite side!" They told Mattias

Mattias smiled as he stimmed tapping his hands on his lap "Yeah! I like virgil! I made a hoodie myself, I could show you some time!" he offered

Aaron stared at Mattias "Give me it!" they told him

"No." Mattias responded laughing at them as they huffed in annoyance

'I think Im going to like it here..' Mattias thought

'What will Mum think?'

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