The Theatre Nerd

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The end of the day finally came, people running put of their classrooms and meeting uo with their friends and such, speaking amongst themselves, as the four bunch walked out of school together talking and chattering together before they went their separate ways, Annie went to a ckub, Aaron and luna went opposite ways but Mattias walked with luna since he lived a few blocks away from her house.

Back at school, there is an after school club, Drama club! A girl with a Veronica outfit on with half of her head shaved while her brown hair was swept to the side and short, having blue ocean eyes and pink lips, she grinned standing on the stage, shes the vice captain for the drama club, she watched as other people entered the room,giggling and talking.

Annie walked into the theatre, her eyes widening as she looked around beaming with happiness, she always wanted to do theatre, as she looked at the stage seeing the most beautiful girl she has ever seen, her eyes sparkled, her gay showing as she blushed smiling feeling like hearts were floating around her head before she snapped out of it when the vice captain called her over which made her quickly walk over to her "Y-Yes?" she asked her

The vice captain smiled "My name is Ramona Prince, and im the vice captain of the drama club! Welcome, im glad you joined us!" she told her smiling "Also.. Your eyes are so pretty!" she told her as Annie blushed and smiled back "Thank you.." she responded and sat down

As a girl, with blondish brown hair came from backstage, as she stood next to Ramona smiling "Welcome any newcomers! My name is Veronica mars! And this half term we will be doing.. Heathers: the musical!" she introduced as everyone started talking amongst themselves and giggling

Veronica grinned "We will be doing auditions for, Veronica, Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, Heather Makomera, Jason Dean, Ram, Kurt kelly and Martha Dunnstock!" she said with a smile "Ones who dont pass the auditions will be play the parents of Veronica, Kurt and ram, and there will also be background characters available!" she continued to smile as Annie wanted to audition for Heather Makamera, she seemed like she would fit the part for her personality and surprisingly she can sing.

Ramona smiled at Veronica as she looked around at everyone" Auditions will start tomorrow and will last a week and 2 days for each character, we will put the days up for each characters audition! " she told them" Now we will hand out the scripts and you can all get to practicing, we will practice for an hour before you can all go home! " she smiled at them and started to hand out the scripts to everyone

Annie was excited as she started to memorise and practice Heather Makameras lines as some people got up and practiced on the stage, as Annie practiced with Ramona, As Ramona is Veronica. Annie though the role of Veronica suited Ramona but she was too shy to tell her that as they continued to practice, chattering filling the theatre.

After an hour of practicing the lines, Veronica clapped her hands as everyone fell silent and looked at Veronica and Ramona on stage "Alright everyone! Time to go home! I wish you all luck with practicing those lines and make sure to come to the auditions!" she smiled at all of them sweetly before there was rustling and chatter around the room as Annie squealed happily and decided to make her costume at home and she was sure she had this audition nailed as she got up, put her script in her bag and waved Ramona and Veronica goodbye as she blushed when they waved back, she thought they were equally cute but she likes Ramona more.

When Annie got home, Like always, her parents weren't home, they were always home late at around 11 which is when Annie goes to sleep. Annie sighed made herself a super noodle with some chips and ate in her room, listening to Heathers:The musical, practicing Heather Makameras voice impression along with her lines deciding to audition the bathroom scene, where Veronica is introduced.

Annie performed for a few hours before she started to make her outfit which took her a good hour, she then packed all of her stuff in her bag and checked the time, it was 10:40pm,she stretched and yawned "Time for bed!" she smiled and went to the bathroom brushing her teeth as she let her hair down and brushed it out before changing into her pyjamas, she put her retainer in switched the lights off, found her way through the dark and jumped into bed as she pulled the covers over herself and fell asleep.

~The Next Day~

The four of them done their usual routine, and went to school, this time Annie set her alarm and got up early so she didnt have to naruto run to school today. Luna was in the six form centre on her phone as she was playing Dragon Raja.

Before Aaron came over "Welcome to bible study-" Luna cut in "We are all children of jesus!"

"COMM-BIYA M'LORD~" they both sang in unision as they started laughing together, before Annie came out "Guys! Guess what!" she smiled happily sitting down "Im doing an audition for the school production play!" she presented

Luna gasped "I heard its heathers! Is that true?!" she asked her excited, her eyes sparkling

Annie squealed "YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" she continued to squeal as Luna joined while Aaron stared at the two fangirls with confusion "I am confusion." they saif in a monotone voice as Mattias came in also confused but sat next to Aaron "What the fuck is going on?" he whispered to them "I dont fucking know.." they whispered back

When Annie and Luna calmed down, Annie explained to the 3 of them that she will be auditioning for Heather Makamera at lunch time. "Will you guys come and watch?" she asked them

Luna smiled at her "Yes, Of course, Ill support you!" She told her as she played with a fridget block in her hands

Aaron nodded "Yeah sure, why not?" they smiled giving Annie a thumbs up

Mattias gave her a smile "Uh.. Yeah, i like Hamilton so, why not? Im sure itll be cool." he told her with a smile

Annie beamed with happiness that all of her friends accepted to watch her audition.

I wonder who will get the part.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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