Chapter 8

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The next week went by in a blur. I had two tests, picked up an extra shift at work, and was doing a very complicated game of Dodge-the-Ex. Jimin also went to my school and even thought he was prelaw and typically on the other end of campus, he seemed to be popping up around every corner and called me at least twice a day. I was considering getting a new number, but it seemed like such a hassle that I justbsent his calls to voice mail and got really good at pretending I didn't see him. Jin called and said Margot wasn't doing any better. She was flat-out refusing to go see a grief counselor and was now blaming Yoongi for the fact that I refused to come to see her on the weekends. According to Jin she was insisting Yoongi had somehow brainwashed me and turned me against her. He wasn't comfortable leaving her alone just yet even though Yoongi was harassing him to come see him. I was bummed he wasn't going to be around on my birthday, but he had so much on his plate I didn't say anything.  

By the time Friday afternoon rolled around, I still hadn't heard from either of my folks so I figured I was off the hook for forced family time. I did receive a text from Margot asking me to reconsider this Sunday for my birthday. I had replied that I would gladly come if Yoongi was invited as well and hadn't heard anything  back. I was walking out of my anatomy class and texting one of the girls from work to remind her that she was working my closing shift that night when I bummped into someone and immediately recoiled in fear and irritation. Jimin was standing in front of me looking as wrinkle-free and immaculately groomed as always.

 Jimin was standing in front of me looking as wrinkle-free and immaculately groomed as always

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 I scrambled back so fast that I almost fell backward onto my ass. "What are you doing?" I wanted to sound indignant and hostile, but my voice cracked and I had to clear my throat to regain my composure. His eyes searched mine intently and wondered how I had ever found him attractive-now he just weirded me out. " aren't returning any of my calls and you've been hard to pin down lately." "That's because I don't want to talk to you or see you. Get out of my way." "Y/N, wait." He held up a hand and dug something out of his pocket and held it out toward me. "I know your birthday is tomorrow and I just wanted to get you something to say I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I was just crazy that you might have moved on to that freak, but your mom explained that it isn't like that between the two of you. Here, take it." He shoved the velvet box toward me and I backed away like he was holding a live snake in his hand. "I'm not taking that from you. I'm not taking anything from you. Leave me alone, Jimin, I'm serious." "Look, Y/N, you can't honestly believe there can ever really be anything between you and that guy. Your mom told me you've been carrying a torch for him for years and that he's never looked twice at you. You're just not his type-you're too good for him and he knows it. Just give me another chance;we make so much sense together." I wanted to punch him, but I just let the ice that traveled through me at his words coat all the anger I felt starting to build. "No." I didn't say anything else, just "no", because I didn't need to explain myself or my feelings for the fact that I knew most of what he said about Yoongi was true. I wasn't too good for him; I was just too ME for him to see me as anything other than he always had, and I made peace with that years ago. I took a few more stumbling steps backward and then turned my heel and broke into a full-on jog to get away from him. He was starting to really freak me out and the fact that my own mother was giving out the most intimate details of my life to him just want me want to vomit. If Jimin didn't knock it off I was going to have to look into not only changing my phone number but also possibly get a restraining order against him.

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