Well, I- just read this plz..

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Uh, I've just ran out of ideas for this Slashers book. If you want to suggest anything, do it on this page and please don't be afraid to request a story.

Here's how to do a request, what I need to make the story;
What gender is the reader? Is it a Smut, Lemon, Fluff, or just Cuddles? If it is a lemon, what kinks is the reader into? What are the Slasher's kinks? Are they ooc or are their characteristics from the movies? Is the reader submissive or dominant? Like, idk how does the story kinda start?

Stuff like that -w- I'm too tired to finish this bs, so in the morning, or if I'm still awake, I'll take any requests and make them into a chapter ASAP.

And if you made it here, then thanks for actually reading the chapter :)

Slashers Oneshots (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now