Chapter 1

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I trudge through the snow, my shoulder length amber hair blowing in the frantic wind, as the red ribbon holding it in a ponytail starts to come loose. Not really knowing where my destination is, the only thought on my mind right now, is if my family is still alive. My vision being obscured, I trip over something and fall face first into the snow with crunch. I don't bother moving. It's better this way. There's nothing left for me anymore. As I lie in cold, un-forgiving snow, I think about how my life all went wrong, the scenes replaying in my head.

I hum to myself, brown eyes filled with concentration as I finish of the potion I was working on in my crammed shed. It was a tight fit for sure but I was used to it, my parents wouldn't allow me to use alchemy in the house anymore since I blew a hole in the wall one time. But at least now I have a few shelves to put my ingredients on.

"Ara! We've run out of parsnip, could you go get some for me please?" My mother's voice calls from the kitchen.

'Ugh, we're having parsnip stew... again.' I think in distaste. Regardless I call back saying I'll be back in 10.

As I walk to the market place, I hear 3 or 4 people call out to me along the way.

"Get out of our village, witch!"

"You don't belong here!"

"Why don't you go poison yourself!"

The words got more and more venomous each day. But I'm used to it at this point, not everyone around hates me. If anything I'm more annoyed that they use the wrong terms.

"For the last time this year it's Alchemist not Witch." I reply tiredly without so much as a glance as I walk past.

When I arrive at the Market I go straight to Volta and her herb stall. Volta was a nice women, despite her less then pleasing appearance. She was short and stubby with greasy black hair, pale, sickly looking skin and one bulging red eye, the other was always closed.

"Ah! If it isn't my favorite customer, Ara! How's the Alchemy going hm?" She asks, voice old and cracking.

"It's going good! I think I finally found out what I need to finish the elixir I'm working on." I inform, happy to talking about my alchemy.

She chuckles a little.

"Well I'm glad to hear it! So I'm guessing it'll be some parsnip for you, and why don't you tell me what that last ingredient is, I might have some." She croaked while tying up some parsnips and looking eagerly at me.

"I don't think you have this one. I need dragons tongue, so I was planning to head to the foot of the mountain and see if any's grown once I get this to Mum." I inform as a take the parsnips from her while placing what I owe in her hands.

Her face pales and her face contorts into one of horror as she looks at me.

"B-But surely you've heard the tales! The snow dragon roams around the foot of the mountain during the winter! During the other seasons it stays up at the peak where it's cold, but during the winter... It's far too dangerous Ara!"

She warns, grabbing both hands in mine with urgency. I look at her with sympathy.

"I'll be fine, Volta. That's why I plan to go today while it's warm." I smile.


"THAT'S HER!" I'm cut off by the voice of a guard and the pounding of feet.

I'm grabbed roughly and forced to the ground as my hands are bound.

"Stop that! What are you doing to the poor girl?!" Volta cries, attempting to pry the guards hands of me.

"Get away you foul woman! And if you must know she is being arrested for trying to poison the lord!" The guard states as he pushes Volta to the ground and continues to drag me to my feet.

"W-What?! Poison the lord?! I didn't do that! Why would I ever have any reason to do that?!" I yell, but I don't resist too much, I don't want them to hold it against me.

"You tell us witch!" He spat.

The guards drag me to the town square, a crowd of people following suit, some voices I recognize. Like the voice of my mother calling in despair.

When we reach the square, I see the Lord standing there, a look of furry on his face.

I'm pushed down to kneel in front of him. I look up at him, pleading with my eyes.

"Ara of Deidre. You are being accused of attempted murder by poison. How do you plead?" The Lord's voice boomed across the crowd.

"I'm innocent! Please I couldn't have poisoned you Milord, I've been at home for morning and I was with Volta up until now!" I yell desperately. I know what happens to people who try to kill the Lord.

"The traces of poison were found in one of your vials that was delivered yesterday as a so called 'gift'." The head guard spoke, as he held out the vial.

I hear a small chuckle, so faint I almost missed it. I turn my head, and I see one of the men from today. He loos straight at me. And then I see it. One of my vials.

"I-I swear I didn't do it! Y-Yes that is my vial but-"

"So she admits it!"

"No! The man over there-"

"Silence Witch! It's to the gallows for you!" The head guard finalizes.

Before I can protest, I'm dragged away to the dungeon, the view of my parents' tear soaked faces the last thing I see before being locked up.

"And you'll stay in here until tomorrow, witch." the guard spat as he throws me into the cell. Tears stream down my face as I curl up in a ball and cry, as I drift slowly into a state of slumber.

I'm woken abruptly by the clattering of keys. I look up to see my father unlocking the cell door.

"D-dad?" I question in shook.

"no time! Run!" he grabs me and pushes me towards the door.

As I run out I pass my mother, fighting of some of the guards. She looks at me and mouths something. I don't need to look twice to know what it was.


And that's exactly what I did. I ran and I ran, and I didn't stop.

And that brings us here. With me at face first in the snow.

I have nothing. I am nothing. My parents are probably dead, my home burned, my potions destroyed.

Just as I close my eyes, ready to succumb to the cold, bitter taste of death, I hear a noise. Similar to trees swaying in a violent wind, followed by a loud crunch and thud. Something landed on the snow next to me.

'Snow dragon!' I think as I begin to panic.

'Maybe if I play dead it'll leave me alone!'

And so I lay there, perfectly still, breathing as shallow as I can. After a while I don't hear anything.

'Maybe it flew of?'

I slowly open one eye.


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