Chapter 6

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    The sounds of birds chirping early in the morning awakens me from my dreamless slumber. I was the first one up. Without waiting a moment I start to pack up what little things I took out of my satchel. Once I've packed up my things I cut a single slice of bed and start to slowly munch on it, while I wait for the other two to wake up.

"You're up early." Alaster says in-between a long yawn.

After stretching his limbs he stands up.

"I should give my dragon form a stretch and a fly too." Alaster smiles.

Alaster walks behind a group of trees and changes into his dragon form. When he steps out from behind the trees, he is back to being the small white dragon he was when I met him.

Alaster struts around and strikes a pose as he sends a playful smirk my way.

I giggle a bit at his antics as Nadia wakes up.

"A bit puny for a dragon isn't he?" Nadia teases, earning a whine from the dragon.

"Never the less he is still a pretty dragon." I chuckle as I walk over to Alaster and pet his head a little.

He leans forward pressing his head into my hand and then walks away and stretches his wings getting ready to fly.

He gives us one last little roar before he spread his wings and lifted himself into the air, flying up and above the ever growing tree tops.

"So how long have the two of you been a thing?" Nadia questions voice dead serious.

I look at her, taking a second to process what it is she just said.

"what?!" I barked "No, no! you've got the wrong idea! We only met a few days ago, and he doesn't like me! There's no way he could like someone like me!" I babble as Nadia rolls her eyes.

"Ok so let me ask another question. Do you like him?" She smirks at me, a knowing glint in her eyes.

A furious blush spreads across my face.

"N-No! I mean, he has done a lot for me, but I couldn't possibly! Just because there's this weird connection, it doesn't mean I like him!" I splutter out. Nadia gives me a curious look.

"What 'connection'?" She pressures, inching closer and closer to me.

"Well, whatever it is, you don't have to tell me, I already know enough. It's clear you like him. And he very clearly likes you." She winks at me as she wonders of to sit under a tree at the far side of the clearing.

I can't stop thinking about what she said. Alaster? Like me? No, of course not!

I mean he is really nice and kind. He's easy on the eyes too.

I snap myself out of my thoughts and decide to get walk around for a bit.

"I'm going to have a look around, see if there are any good herbs or other ingredients around here." I say to Nadia.

She just nods, "Don't go too far."

As I'm wondering I recognise multiple ingredients as well as a few I've never seen, or only seen in books.

Eventually I somehow find myself at a small lake.

It was gorgeous. That fresh blue water had an aqua green tint that grew from the edges, making a beautiful ombré. There was a large willow tree next to the lake, it's long branches scrape across the water's surface, like it's tickling the lake, coaxing it to tell it's secrets.

"Wow, I saw it this place while I was flying, but it looks even better in person." Alaster comes up behind me, coming to a stop next to me.

"Mm. It's stunning." I admit in awe, not turning to look at Alaster. I hear him mutter something under his breath, but I couldn't quite make out what it was.

"Hmm? What did you say? I couldn't quite make it out." I ask as I turn to him.

"i-It's nothing." he blushes a little as he brushes of my request.

"Come on! You can't leave me hanging! I want to know!" I pester him playfully.

He mutters something once again and his blush grows.

"What? I still can't hear you." I bug him again, grabbing onto his arm.

He sighs.

"I said... It's not as stunning as you." He revealed reluctantly.

Before I have the chance to react, Nadia's voice rings through the trees.

"Alright lovebirds let's move before the villagers decide to search the forest for us." Her voice sounds around the tree's like she's everywhere but nowhere at the same time. Probably some kind of magic.

"We should uh... We should head back." Alaster points out with a loving smile.

When we get to the clearing everything is packed up and Nadia is standing there with a knowing smirk.

Alaster clears his throat.

"Let's get going. It's an hour's journey to my brother's place. Maybe he could give us some information about the dragon you were talking about Nadia." Alaster hypothesized.

Nadia and I nod, and then we set of.

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