Chapter 3

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Alaster gently shakes me awake the next morning, and we set of. We past so many things I never knew existed.

Tree's taller than the church tower back in Deidre, plants that were alive, and ate bugs of different kinds, flowers that were as colorful as a rainbow, trees that were purple, caves that whispered in the wind. Not to mention all different kinds of herbs and magical ingredients I could use for my alchemy. It was if we had traveled to a different dimension.

By time we could see the dull glow of a village in the distance, it was getting dark, and my legs felt like they were going to drop off.

"We got here just in time. We probably would've been here sooner if you didn't stop and pick every different herb we saw." Alaster looked at me with a playful smile. I shoved him a little in return.

"I'm still an Alchemist you know. At least now I can go in to some shops and find a bag to put them in and some alchemy equipment." I reply beaming with joy. I love alchemy, it was so interesting, and exciting! It really had no limits! Well, almost no limits. Everything and everyone has limits, and exceeding them would always come at a price.

"alright we'll have a look around tomorrow and get some more supplies, then we'll head of around midday. For now let's get a room at the inn." Alaster says pointing at a large 2 story building.

When we enter the sound of laughter and jolly conversations fill our ears, and the smell of food makes our stomachs rumble.

"Come on in! I just stoked the fire. Take a seat and someone will get to ya. Or if you're looking to stay the night come up to the counter and I'll be with you in a second!" A tanned lady yell from the counter while serving two men some booze.

As we make our way through the crowds of people I notice Alaster pales a bit. When was the last time he had spoken to someone other than me? Or the last time he was in the crowd?

When we get to the counter the women approaches us.

"So, looking to stay the night are ya? Oh, you look like you're not from 'round here. I do love when we get travelers." She grins. She looked friendly, not only did she look friendly, but she gave of a friendly, inviting aura, almost like a mother would.


"Yes, we'd like a room please, with two beds if you can." I say over the top of Alaster, it's clear he's not good with a lot of people. He shoots me a look of appreciation.

"Yep, sure thing! Straight up stairs, first door to the left! That'll be 10 gold coins for the night." Alaster hands over the money, and the woman puts it into some kind of container on a shelf we can't see. When she stands back up she turns to look at me.

"If you don't mind me asking where are the two of ya from?" She asks curiously with a glint of wonder in her eyes.

I cast a look at Alaster, not sure what I should say. He gives me a nod and a smile.

"We're from south of here, we traveled from Deidre." I reply. The woman's face turns to one of surprise.

"Deidre eh? You must be liking the warmer weather then. Though I'd love to talk more, tonight's a busy one. Holler if you need anything!" The woman struts of to tend to other patrons as we make our way upstairs to our room.

We enter the room and look around. It's a cosy little room with two beds either side of a small four pane window. At the end of each bed were small little chests to our belongings in, and the right corner next to the door was a mirror, and in the left corner was a small one person table with a small stool. It was a tight fit, but it'd do.

"I wonder why tonight is so busy." I question to myself as I hang the herbs I collected on the mirror, with the small ribbon from my hair, letting my hair fall to my shoulders.

"There's an execution tomorrow. I over-heard some people talking about it. Apparently the town's now banned witch's, and witch's specifically. Unfortunately there's a local witch who didn't get the memo." Alaster says grimly.

Witches? But why would they hate witches all of the sudden, especially when they had one living here.

Thoughts start swimming in my head. We couldn't let an innocent person die when they've done nothing wrong. At least I think she's done nothing wrong...

"We should save her." I say bravely, a look of determination on my face.

"What? Why?" Alaster questions, clearly not wanting to get involved. I don't really blame him. If they don't like witches, they may not like other magical creatures.

"Because imagine if you were living peacefully and then it was suddenly decided you would be executed?" I raise my voice a little.

"Ok, say we do try to save this random person we know nothing about-"

"Didn't you save me not knowing who I was?" I interrupt him.

"That was different. I knew your situation and roughly who you were. Not to mention you collapsed in front of me. And as I was saying, say we do save this witch, how would we do it without getting into the same situations as-" He stops.

"Without getting into the same situation as your parents." He says in a softer tone.

A sad smile dawns on my face.

"Well we have two things my parents don't. One, we have you, who can turn into a dragon. And two, with me, an alchemist who knows more than most would think." I acknowledged with a confident smile.

Alaster smiles back.

"You've got some good points. Alright miss alchemist. What's the plan?" He approved.

And so the rest of the night was spent planning a rescue for someone we didn't even know.

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