Chapter 8

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Vailed by the dark of the night, we make our way to the dragon kingdom. The journey wasn't long thanks to the adrenaline coursing through our veins. Before long, we can see bright lights in the distance, and the a big, looming castle. That was where we were going.

"Alright, everyone knows the plan?" I ask. Everyone nods, and we split up. Alaster and I go to the castle, while Nadia and Asra go through the town.

The plan will work. I'm sure of it.

Nadia and Asra will go to people in the town, exposing Abaddon and Zavier for the snakes they. Considering Asra was their beloved prince, it'll be easy to persuade them. Once they've persuaded them, they'll give them a special potion.

And while they do that, Alaster and I will infiltrate the castle and confront Abaddon and his son ourselves. But we have a trick up our sleeve. Actually more accurately we have a potion up our sleeve. A potion that will make sure everyone in the dragon kingdom knows what they're true intentions are.

We get into the castle with ease thanks to Alaster's knowledge. We managed to sneak past all the guards we came across, and thankfully any guards that did come across recognised Alaster and let us pass.

"We're getting close to the throne room now. I have no doubt that's where they'll be. Just stick close to me ok? I couldn't bare it if anything happened to you because my plan went wrong." Alaster looks at me with a concerned face.

I grab his hand. "It'll work out. And we made the plan together, so we'll do this together. Just like everything else." I comfort him with a soft smile.

He smiles back and we push open the doors to the throne room.

The first thing I notice, is the pair of marigold eyes that lock with mine as soon as I enter the room.

"Well, well, well. Father look, it's the young prince and that alchemist I told you about." said the boy I assume to be Zavier.

"So it is." A deep voice chuckles, as a cloaked figure turns around. My heart catches in my throat. He was intimidating. His square face covered in scars, a messy tuft of black hair on his head, and his eyes. A blood curdling red.

I visibly shiver. I remember Alaster told me about Abaddon's quirk. Fear. To make anyone who isn't a dragon became absolutely terrified.

'I even made a potion to prepare me for this, but his aura, it's so diminishing.' I think to myself. I begin to tremble.

I feel Alaster grab my hand, and my trembling stops.

"We're putting an end to your plans Abaddon. Give up while you have the chance, soon everyone will know your true motives." Alaster confronts.

Silence. No one dared moved. Then there was a low chuckling.

"I think it is you who should surrender, prince Alaster." Abaddon threatens menacingly.

"Hey, you there. Ara was it? Why don't you come over here." Zavier speaks directly to me, it's like he's in my head. And then before I have time to react, I'm walking right to Zavier's side.

"Ara!" Alaster calls, his hand reaching for mine. But his hand comes to an abrupt stop when he sees Abaddon aiming a throwing dagger right at me.

"Dear Alaster. You always did keep your friends close. And now it will be your downfall. Surrender yourself to me and she shall live." Abaddon bargains.

I could see Alaster's face drop. I look at him, pleading with my eyes.

"Alaster no! You can't!" I yell at him, before a hand slaps over my mouth.

"Ara..." Alaster takes a deep breath.

"Ara is right! I can't give up! But I sure as hell won't let you hurt her!" Alaster yells as a white glow emits from his skin. He's changing into a dragon. Within a second a white dragon launches himself at Abaddon, who reacts instantaneously and transforms into a large, black dragon.

While the two duke it out I elbow Zavier and throw a potion on him.

"Ugh! What the hell did you do?" He screeches, as he slowly freezes in place. I turn back to the dragons, and I see Alaster being thrown to the ground.

"Alaster!" I scream in fear.

I search my satchel and pull out potion after potion.

One after the other I throw the potions at him, slowing him down and blinding him. And then I'm left with one more potion in hand. I hurl it at him with all my might.

As soon as it makes contact, his thoughts, memories and intentions are shared with everyone who took the potions Nadia and Asra gave them.

With the combination of all my potions, Abaddon slows to a stop and turns back to normal.

With Abaddon and Zavier immobilized I rush to Alaster and pull out all the healing potions I made just in case.

"Ara, we did it!" Alaster exclaims as he hugs me.

"Well, sorry to interrupt." Asra's voice rings through the room as group of guards rush in to restrain Abaddon and Zavier.

Me and Alaster blush as we separate a little. The rest of the night is spent recovering and explaining to the people and higher ups.

After a month or so, things have finally calmed down. Asra took his rightful place at the throne, and the lords of the villages Zavier tricked were spoken too. Nadia earned a place at the castle as the royal mage. And as for Alaster and I, well Alaster went back to being a prince, and I his princess. Asra and Nadia wouldn't shut up about it.

Or story isn't the most interesting as they go, but it certainly isn't boring. Our story of the Alchemist and the Dragon.

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