Chapter 3

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Lydia woke up the next day for school, She grabbed her hoodie, Some Blue Skinny Jeans, A black crop top, And some her black tennis shoes, She brushed her hair and left it down.

She grabbed her backpack and ran out her room, She met Adrien down by the door "Morning Sleeping Beauty" Said Adrien jokingly "Morning Blondie" She said in the same tone of voice. They both dashed to the car and hopped in, They laughed as they hit the floor board and seats.


Lydia and Adrien walked up to the school, Lydia saw an older man fell down in the middle of the street. Lydia dropped her backpack and ran, She grabbed him and put him on the other side of the street. "There you go sir" She said "Thank you Ms" He said weakly. "Your welcome, Do you need help to where you live?" Lydia asked kindly "No ma'am" He said and walked away.

Lydia shrugged it off and ran across the street, She grabbed her backpack and ran into the school. Then her class, She made it in right before the bell "Why hello Ms. Sancoeur" Said the teacher "Hello Teach" Said Lydia.

"Before you sit down, Tell the class about yourself please" Said the Teach "Well I'm Lydia Sancoeur, I live in the Agrestè house with my Mother, I lived in America for 6 years" Said Lydia, Many people looked at her "And I can tell when people lie" Said Lydia then walked up to a seat in the back.

Lydia sat next to a girl named Lila, Lila smiled at her "Hello Lydia, I'm Lila" She said "I have met a huge amount of celebrities and been to most countries-" Lydia stopped her "Lies, And no I won't be your friend" Said Lydia turning her attention to the teacher "Why not? We could make a good team"She said "Buzz off weirdo, And just because I know Adrien doesn't mean I will let you close to him" Said Lydia calmly.

Lila had obviously been mad at that, She knew she had to talk to Gabriel and Nathalie about her.

Lydia watched as she went from Lila to some new monster thing, Lila looked at Lydia. Lila grabbed her pencil and threw it forward, It hit Chloe in the head. Then Lila got up "LYDIA THREW MY PENCIL AT CHLOE!" Yelled Lila acting innocent.

Chloe marched up the stairs "MS.BUSTIER SEND HER TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE OR IM CALLING MY DADDY!" Yelled Chloe, Lydia turned to Chloe "What are you? 6?" She asked. There were snickers that echoed threw the room, "And I hate to tell you, Pale Blondie, I didn't do it, Lila did" Said Lydia calmly.

"Ms.Bustier shes lying!" Whined Lila "She's lying, Look at her pupils" Said Lydia. "Lydia, Lila, Chloe, To the principals office" Ordered Ms.Bustier "Yes Ma'am" Said Lydia, She grabbed her stuff and put them in her bag, Other than her journal. She walked down to Adrien "Hey Adrien, Do you mind to copy the notes down for me? I'll meet ya at the house after school" Said Lydia "Yeah Ly(L-Y)" He said grabbing her journal "Thanks A" Said Lydia and she walked out.

Lydia sat in the seat next to Lila, and they both explained "Chloe, Your fine, Lila, Your I'm detention for throwing something at Chloe, Lydia, Im watching you" Said the principal.

Lydia left and went to the restroom and sat down in a stall on the floor, she went for her phone but grabbed a weird shaped box and a weird design on it.

Lydia being curious opened it and it was a collar, not a dog one but a human one. She shrugged then out came a little flying dog thing, Lydia jumped up "Hey Hey Calm Down!" Yelled the Dog-Thing "What the hell are you?" Yelled Lydia "I'm a Kwami, Your Kwami" Exclaimed the thing "Uh.." Said Lydia in shock "I can help you become a super hero! And have powers all you have to say is 'Barkk time to wag!' and then you get powers and dadadadadda" Said the Kwami fastly "And you have to keep it a secret so you can protect those you care about!" Said Barkk flying around and around "Uh Okay.." Said Lydia.

Lydia hestaintly put the collar on and Barkk went into her hoodie pocket, Lydia shook decided to just stay there for the rest of the day.


Lydia went to the bakery after school with a girl named Marinette, Then Lydia got a croissant and told Marinette bye.

Lydia began walking to the Agrestè house hold, She turned corners and went on sidewalks, and threw alleys.

Lydia was stopped by a voice... Lila's voice.
Lila wasn't herself though... She was flying and looked not normal... She grabbed Lydia's and threw her into a lamp post, Then a wall then a trash can.

Lydia had the air knocked out of her, And she coughed up blood and her back hurt. Her vision began to get dark.

Then 2 figures appeared, A Woman in blue and a man who had a mask on. "We ordered you to stop!" Yelled them Woman "And? She got me suspended!" Yelled Lila "And you take orders from us!" Yelled the Man.

Lila turned normal and she glared at Lydia and ran off, The 2 people walked over to her. "Hello Lydia Sancoeur" Said the Woman who knelt down and moved the hair out of Lydia's face. "I want my Mom and the Agrestè's I want my family.." Said Lydia huffing and puffing blood going down her cheek "And you'll see them soon, Now sleep" Said the Blue woman, Lydia closed her eyes.


Lydia opened who eyes to be in her room, Barkk came out of no where and hugged her. "Uh hello Barkk" Said Lydia "Oh Lydia I was so worried!" She exclaimed "Why?"

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