Chapter 4

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Barkk was interrupted by her door opening, Barkk went under her bed. Her Mother walked in "Good morning Lydia, In a few weeks you can to school" She said and walked out.

There she went, not evening asking how she was or what happened...

Barkk came out again "Hawkmoth and Myura was there!" She whisper yelled "And?" Asked Lydia confused "There the bad guys! They could of hurt your or worse.." Said Barkk. Lydia smiled and pet Barkks' head "Atleast I didn't" She said.


Barkk decided to sleep while Lydia would close her eyes and think, But Lydia was pissed. Her mom would just look at her and walk out, No words, no nothing, and leave.

Lydia clentched her fists but then relaxed, the doctor said that stress would be bad for her.

Lydia grabbed her phone and decided to text Marinette.

'Hey Marinette!'

No answer, Lydia waited for a few more minutes... Nothing. She just thought Marinette was busy so she just moved on to Adrian.

'Hey Blondie, What ya doing?'

Left unseen.. Lydia groaned in annoiance and threw herself back into her pillow. She didn't even think to text her mother, and when she did she shooed the idea out of her head.

Then in and instant ladybugs swormed around Lydia then she was up on her feet and fine. Lydia was more than confused until Barkk woke up and explained to her.

Lydia SancoeurWhere stories live. Discover now