Find me.

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A/n mentions of violence and blood.

You had been missing for two months now,and your sight hadn't returned, your ribs had healed badly and you were hardly being fed. The only time Caplan fed you was 3:45pm every day. He was also giving you a strange drink,but it wasn't a love potion,you could tell because you still hated Caplan and loved Gellert.

You had found out that Caplan had only joined the Greater Good to get to you. He must be there everyday so no one would get suspicious. You had to find a way to let your friends in Nurmengard who had you,but how?...your earrings. You successfully nudge one out of your ear and it dropped into the floor,as Caplan now had you chained to the floor,you with some difficulty picked it up with your mouth,just as Caplan came in. You had a plan,but would it work?

"Hey,you pathetic excuse of a man" you taunt Caplan,he turns to you,so you continue" you do realise my earrings are a gift from Grindelwald"
"So he gave hem to me as a gift... after we had sex for the first time" you taunt him more. Of course he didn't know that was a lie,well most of it.

He crosses the room to you and yanks the earring out of your ear,and you have to hold in your scream or the other earring would fall out of your mouth
"You filthy whore" Caplan spits out
"Takes one to know one" you sass him,he hits you on your injured ear, causing it to bleed more. You spit at him and the earring lands on his arm,he fails to notice-he punches you in the face and leaves the room. You had to hope your plan works before you bleed to death.

As Caplan,walks past Credence back at Nurmemgard,the other earring falls onto the floor in front of Credence. He bends down picks it up and takes it to Queenie
"Do you know what this is?" He asks her,she looks at it and says
"That's y/n's" it takes Credence a few seconds to understand, before he charges out of her room and straight to Grindelwald's office. He enters without knocking, Gellert is looking out the window
"Sir...I think I know who has y/n" he says out of breath.

At Credence's words, Gellert turns around and walks over to him.
"How do you know?"
"This" and he holds up the earring" Queenie said it was hers" Gellert takes it and looks at it,it was the green snake earring you wore at the party.
"Where did you find this" Gellert asks him
"I think it fell" Credence begins,but Gellert interrupts angry
"Caplan Bordmann"

Gellert storms out of his office and went to Caplan's room, Credence running to keep up with the pissed off dark wizard. Once there Gellert blasts the door clean apart,taking some of the wall with it and steps into the room. No one was in there. He puts his wand away and searches the room, throwing things around. He was looking for any indication of you being here. Just as he turns to the bed,he notices something on the table beside the bed. Your other earring. That was all the evidence Gellert needed to know Caplan Bordmann had you.

Dark Temptation Gellert Grindelwald x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now