Optimus X Megatron

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Contains boy x boy content, nudity and sex.
Use of hologram forms(Human form)

Love in the Forest

Optimus was waiting in the forest calmly as he could feel himself become nervous over his and Megatron's little date 'Calm yourself Optimus' he thought 'it's just a date. There are no ways in primus name i can mess this up' he sighed 'right?'. While Optimus was concentrated on his nervousness Megatron on the other hand was flying towards their date location that was a little clearing in the forest where they first set things straight and confessed their feelings. Optimus came out of his thoughts when he saw Megatron land and got out of his jet and his hologram form came out. "Hey, how have you been?" Optimus asked his lover as he pushed away his nervousness. " Hey babe, been quite normal. I had to do some training and stuff so sorry if I was a little late. I had to take a shower " Megatron answered Optimus as he took him by the hips and kissed his lover's cheek. Optimus smiled before the two of them walked to their little picnic that Optimus had set up. Megatron smiled before asking a question himself "But how was your day?". Optimus wasn't expecting Megatron to ask that so he stuttered a bit "I-it wa-was normal as well. I mostly was patrolling around." The warlord couldn't help but smile. He also couldn't seem to hold his hands to himself as he soon was pulling Optimus close to him and soon began to kiss his lover's neck. Optimus smiled at the action before leaning into his touch. Megatron smiled as he noticed the Prime move towards his touch so he gladly let his own hands travel up Optimus' shirt. "Y-you want to do it here?.. in the forest" Optimus asked a bit alarmed. "Don't worry. We are in the deepest part of the forest." Megatron assures Optimus before he kissed him. Optimus happily returns the kiss while his own hands went over Megatron's shoulders. Megatron pulled Optimus in his lap while he bit his lip to gain entrance to the Prime's mouth. Optimus hummed almost like he was thinking if he should open his lips or not. Megatron was getting a little impatient so his nails went into Optimus' hips which made the Prime whimper making it easy for Megatron to slip his tongue in to explore and he sure did. Megatron left no crevice untouched while his lover moaned at his warm tongue exploring. Optimus moved his hips a bit which made Megatron more aroused then he already was. The warlord pulled away before asking "Do you want to continue~" he said in more of his chest voice (Lower toned and rougher voice). Optimus could feel his cheeks getting warmer before he nods. Megatron smiled as he saw Optimus' blush. He didn't know what was about the blush on his lover's face but he just adored seeing him blush. Megatron soon came out of his thoughts when Optimus nodded. Megatron moved them so they were laying and he was on top. Optimus looks at the leader of the decepticons before he felt Megatron's cold hand go up his shirt which made him distinctively shiver but of course he didn't mind the touch. Megatron decided to nibble on his lover's neck while he moved the shirt up just enough to start teasing Optimus by massaging one of the nipples. Optimus felt pleasure as he moaned "Megatron~" Megatron had begun to palm Optimus through his pants which made the Prime moan. After a few moments Megatron removed Optimus' shirt and oh how he liked the picture he was seeing. The warlord's eyes traveled across the Prime's body. Optimus was well trained so he had a clear six pack and most of his body muscles were chiseled as well. Optimus blushes when Megatron attacked his other nipple. Megatron made his free hand going towards Optimus' pants. Optimus couldn't help but travel one of his hands to Megatron's hair and yanking it a bit. Megatron let his palm put on more pressure on the Prime's crotch which made Optimus buck his hips against the touch. Megatron blew some air on Optimus' wet nipple as his hand unzipped his lover's pants and begins to stroke Optimus' clothed cock. Optimus had his mouth open since he couldn't help but moan at the pleasure he was feeling. He had not thought how much his body had missed such pleasurable touches. Megatron's hand finally found its way into Optimus' boxers before he started stroking him. The pleasure made the leader of the Autobots grip tighten on the warlord's hair. Megatron let out a hurdle as he could hear Optimus panting from out of breath. Megatron pulled away before taking off his own shirt which made Optimus look at his bare upper body with complete lust. Megatron smirks before janking Optimus' pants off with his boxers. Megatron looks Optimus up and down as his eyes were showing lust. Megatron kisses Optimus again as he begins to stroke Optimus while his other hand was rubbing the entrance of Optimus' rear end. Optimus couldn't help but hum but also tighten around his lover's finger when he felt it go in. Megatron could feel Optimus' body begin to tense up and asked " Is it your first time doing this?" Megatron's voice being low but caring. Optimus felt embarrassed. He felt his cheeks start to heat up before he nods shyly while not making eye contact with Megatron. Megatron starts to move his finger slowly in and out while being careful not to make Optimus uncomfortable. Optimus' body started to relax with every thrust and Megatron's hand going calmly over his body helped also. Optimus put his own head on the gladiator's shoulder when Megatron added another finger. Megatron kisses Optimus' neck as he was trying to distract Optimus when he added the third finger "Focus on the pleasure " Megatron purred softly. Optimus nods when he hears the relaxing voice of his lover. Megatron nods when he felt the Prime relax. Megatron took the advantage and starts scissoring him which made Optimus moan into his shoulder. Megatron started sucking on his neck again as he made his fingers go slightly faster. Optimus' body shivered before he moaned "Mega-tron~...Agnh~". "You like this?~" Megatron hummed in Optimus' ear before he nibbled on it. Optimus' voice broke in the middle of a moan. Megatron smiled before removing his own pants and boxers. Optimus looks at Megatron with lust as he sees Megatron looking at him as in asking for permission to enter. Optimus kisses Megatron's nose before nodding. Megatron slowly slides into Optimus as he immediately moaned as he felt how tight Optimus still was. When megatron was fully in he waits for Optimus to adjust. Optimus wiggled a bit before nodding. Megatron smirks as he started to move faster then his fingers did before. Optimus bit his lips as he whined at the quick change of pace. "Come on, moan my name baby~" Megatron ordered . "Mega-tron~" Optimus soon moaned before his moan was muffled by Megatron kissing him. Optimus instinctively kisses back and bucked his hips against him. Megatron hummed as he went rougher and faster. Optimus arched his back and yelled out Megatron's name as he felt him hit his spot. Megatron smirked as he started to abuse the spot and sometimes he teased the spot by intentionally missing it. Optimus was now a moaning mess. Megatron nibbled on his neck as he began to stroke Optimus. Optimus whined as he felt his own cock twitch indicating he was close. Megatron's thrusts were getting sloppy as he was getting close as well. Both Megatron and Optimus came at the same time moaning each others names. Megatron came deep into the prime while Optimus came on both of their chest. Optimus was catching his breath. Megatron pulled out his lover but he kissed Optimus jawline when he heard him whimpered at the loss of warmth.

They both smiled at each other before sharing a loving kiss....


Words: 1330



BlackS: We hope you liked our first chapter.

RainB: Be sure to comment and give us suggestions!

*Megatron walks in with Optimus*

Megatron: what are you two losers doing?

RainB: LEAVE *throws a wrench with a toolbox before getting out a knife*

BlackS: What do you got there?

RainB: A KNIFE!!!* she said as she books it*

BlackS: NO! *and books after her*

*Megatron and Optimus looked at each other like the two girls were crazy and shrugged it off*

Optimus: We are living with lunaticks...

Megatron: ...yup.

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