normal again

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Niall's POV:

So, Louis wanted me to meet him a nandos. He said he wanted to talk to me about something. And I think I know what it is. He wants to talk to me about Megs. He probably said nandos because its my happy place.

I arrived at nandos and looked around. Louis wasn't here yet. So I grabed a seat and sat waited for Louis to arrive.

"NIALL!" I heard a familiar voice shouted. I turned around to see Louis. I waved and then I saw Harry and Liam. Louis didn't tell me Harry, Molly and Liam we're coming. Then I saw them Zayn and Megs, holding hands and laughing. Damn it! Why was this happening? What did I ever do wrong?

Megs saw me and froze. My gaze met her's and I saw her eye's tear up.

Zayn's POV:

Damn it! Niall was hear! Bet Louis invited him! I really do hate him sometimes!

"What the hell is he doin hear?" I whispered to Louis.

"I invited him." He replied like everything was fine.

"Why?" I asked frustratedly.

"Because you to have to talk. We have band practice in two days."

I forgot about that. About practice. About the band. About one direction. For a while, I was just Zayn, a normal boy. And not Zayn, from one direction. Megs made me forget. Made me feel, normal again.

Megs POV:

Omfg! Why is Niall hear? It was Lou. I swear, in ganna kill him.

Lou, Harry, Molly and Liam went over to were Niall was sitting. Me and Zayn took a bit longer to get over there. We had to move tables because Niall sat at a to seated table. Guess Lou tricked him two.

"Lou, can talk to you a sec?" I asked Louis.

"Yer." He answered as he walked out side and I followed.

"I hope you know that Niall, Zayn and myself all hate you right now." I said in a very calm yet frustrated way.

"And why is that?"

"Ow don't play inasent with me Mr. I know your game."

"May I ask what you think my game is?"

"Your trying to make me fall for Niall again and Niall fall for me."

"But why do I need to get Niall to fall for you when he already has? I'm just trying to open your eyes to see you don't belong with Zayn. You belong with Niall."

"Wait what? Niall still likes me? But I thought he hated me."

"Babes, he could never hate you. Bit he doesn't like you. He loves you. He's pretending to hate you because you hate him."

"I don't hate him. I just ..... I just .... I'm very annoyed with him. And I will never like Niall in that way ever again, Lou. So just get over it."

"What ever you say, love. But we should be getting back. There ganna start thinking were dead or something."

We walked back into nandos and sat at the table were all the other lads where. I sat next to Molly and Zayn. I felt Nialls gaze on me. He thinks I hate. I can understand why. But he did take me and Zayn dating the wrong way. I mean, he punshed him! What do you expect me to do? Say "Ow, its ok Niall. You only punshend my new boyfirend, one of your bestfiends, and started a fight with him." Well I wasn't ganna.

"So, why did you want me to come Lou?" Niall got strait to the piont.

"Because you and Zayn need to man up and get over this. We are in a band. We have to see each other almost everyday. And this isn't ganna work. You need to sort this out. As for Megs, you three need to work this out."

"Work what out?" I knew what we needed to work out, but i wanted to see what he ment.

"Dont play dumb with me, Megs."

"There is nothing to sort out, Lou. Megs chose me. Niall needs to get over it." I cant belive he would say that. Zayn must be getting really annoyed with this whole situation.

"You did not just say tha!"

"Ow, but Niall, I did." Zayn siad sarcasticly.

"You wanna take this outside?"

"Bring it!"

"Boys! Stop it!" Molly yelled as Nial and Zayn got up to go outside. "Liam! Do somthing!"

"Megs is the only one they'll listen to." As soon as the boys went outside they were at it again. I ran outside.

"GUY'S! STOP IT!" I shouted they both tearnd to face me.

"Which one of us do you pick?" Niall shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"Niall's right Megs. Were ganna keep going like this till we know. You gotta pick. Me, or Niall?"

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