I'll give him a chance

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Megs POV:

Dylan was aloud out of hospital 2 days later because he was doin so well. Him and Niall were getting along, for once. We all went back to my place.

Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn agreed to stay in a hotel till Dylan can find his own place. Or till they go on tour, in two weeks. We got to the door and Molly ran in and put her phone on charge, I swear, that girl can't live without her phone. Not even for 5 minutes. Anyway. We all went in and had some lunch.

"What shall we do now?" Niall said sitting on the sofa.

"Watch a movie?" I suggested.

"Yer! Let's watch a scary movie!" Dylan said, walking with his cruches over to the sofa.

"Ok. We have Paranormal activity 1, 2 or 3." Molly held up the DVD's.

"Paranormal activity 3!" Louis shouted.

"I haven't watched that one yet." Dylan said as Louis and Harry did a dramatic shocked face.

"But its the best one!" Harry said in a girls voice for some reason.

I put the DVD in and cuddled up Baxter to Niall. He put his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest.

The movie was about half way through and Zayn sneezed and scard us all so much, I fell of the sofa. We all started laughing. Then there was a scream on the Tv and we all scream along then carried on laughing.

Louis POV:

Molly sat next to me when we were watching the movie. She got scard and cuddled up to me, hiding her head in my chest. I saw Harry look at me and was jealous. Then my phone rang and scared everyone. I got up, walked into the kitchen and answered the phone.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey babes." A familiar voice said on the other side of the phone. It was Elenor.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?"

"Louis, I'm breaking up with you." She started crying and I felt a year fall down my face.

"But why?" I dint understand.

"Coz I like someone else. I'm sorry Louis. I hope you understand."

"Yer I get it. I gotta go. Bye." And with that I Hung up. I ran upstairs trying not to show my face to the others. I ran into my room from when we all lived hear and slamed it shut. Then there was a knock at the door.

"GO AWAY!!!" I shouted. I was laying on the bed and didn't wasn't to see anyone.

"NO!!" Molly's voice replied."I'M COMING IN!!" She shouted and open the door. I quickly put my head under the pillow so she didn't see my crying."Louis, what happened?"

"Elenor broke up with me." I tried to day but came out- "elhhus hcusj hubs jfk." -as my head was under the pillow.

"What?" She asked. I sat up crossed legged and wiped my tears away.

"Elenor broke up with me." I repeated. She then hugged me.

"I'm sorry, Louis." She whispered.

"It's ok." She came out of the hug.

"At least one food thing came out of this." She said.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"This." She leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back. Then I quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry." She said looking away from me.

"Don't be. It's just-"

"I'm stupid for even thinkin a guy like you would like a girl like me."

"No. It's not that at all. It's just Harry likes you and I can't do that to him. I really do think you should give him a chance." She looked like she was about to cry."Hey, what's up?" I said rubbing her back.

"I really like harry but I don't want to get my heart broken again." She was now crying.

"Babe, Harry wouldn't brake your heart. He loves you." She smiled at this.

"Ok, I'll give him a chance."

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