keep it PG guys

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Niall's POV:

Megs and Niall came down and I went up to Megs and huged her.

"Megs, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was mad. It's ok if you hate me."

"Niall, I don't hate you. I love you. I will always love you. You may be a famous popstar but we're just like any other couple. We're ganna have our up's and down's. But as long as you still love me and I still love you, we will be fine. I promise." Megs said and I went on for a kiss.

"Keep it PG guy's!" Louis yelled. We came out of the kiss and looked at him."Remember, there are kids in the room." He said pointing at Harry.

Molly's POV:

We ordered some pizza and watched a movie.

"What shall we do now?" Megs asked snuggled up to Niall on the sofa.

"We could play a game?" I suggested.

"Can we play truth or dare?" Niall said. He looked at the lads in a certain way. I knew they were up to somethin but we said ok. We sat in a circle on the floor.

"Me first." Louis yelled."Harry, truth it dare?"


"Ok." Louis looked at me then looked back at Harry."Who do you fancie?"

"You know who I fancie, Louis."

"But they don't." Louis replied with a Cheeky look on his face.

"Fine! I'll say. I kinda fancie, Molly."

"KINDA! You have a GIANT crush on her!" Louis shouted. I couldn't believe it. Harry had a crush on me. Ok, this is ganna sound really bad, but, I think of harry as the baby of the group. He couldn't fancie me. Wait, but did I fancie him?

"Niall, truth or dare?"


"Were one of Megs dresses and keep it on for the whole night." We all laughed.


"I'll come with you." Megs said as they both got up and went upstairs.

A few minutes later they both came back. Niall was wearing a short, bright pink dress. We all laughed so hard I started crying.

"Ok, ok. You can all stop laughing. It's my tearn." We all shut up and looked at Niall."Megs, truth or dare?"

"Truth." When she said this all the lads looked at him and giggled. He got up and went to his jacket and got something out his pocket. He came back and got on one knee.

"Megs, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

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