Chapter eight.

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Chapter eight
Jace's pov

I stood there, frozen. In the middle of the hallway for a good two minutes. Alec only called me Jonathan when I make him really really, really really, really mad. That was hardly ever. He's usually so calm, even when I do upset him, and It made me angry, that I made him angry. If that makes any sense.

I just want Alec to be happy. If I'm not the guy that does make him happy then I'll just have to accept that. But I'm not giving up. Not yet. I still have one person that will help me get Alec. Izzy. I know she probably most likely hates me right now. I know she wants Alec to be happy too, and she'd do anything for him.


I knock on Izzy's door, she opens the door. When Izzy sees me, she sighs "what do you want?" She asked. "That's not the greeting I was expecting." I say, even though it totally was. "What do you want, Jace?" She reapted, clearly annoyed. "To talk." I mumble. "Well I don't want to talk to you right now."

She tried to close the door, but I stuck my foot in the way. She sighs again, but doesn't make another attempt to keep me out. So, I follow her in and close the door after myself. Izzy sat down at her desk, I followed and sat down on her bed, that was across from her. "It's about Alec." I say. "Mmmmmm, shouldn't you be talking to Alec, about Alec?" She asks, rubbing her temples.

"I tried, he wouldn't talk to me."

"I wonder why?"

"Izzy, please."

Her phone vibrated. After a couple of minutes of watching her text she asked, "you broke up with Clary?" I sighed. "I told you, I want to be with Alec." It wasn't two seconds after I finished my sentence that Izzy was dragging me out of her room. "Where are we going?" I asked as she dragged me around the familiar hallways of the institute. She didn't answer my question until we got to Alec's room. She was going to help me with Alec! "You two need couples therapy." I smiled. Then she walked into Alec's room with out knocking, I followed.

Alec was lying on his bed, asleep. Since we were waring soundless runes we didn't wake him up. Izzy sat on the edge of his bed, and flipped a piece of hair out his face. Alright this might sound creepy, and or stalkerish but I'm just going to come out and say it. He looked adorable when sleeping. His eyes fluttered open. "Ugh!" He moaned, pulling the blanket over his head. "Alec, come on. Please talk to us, or just to me. We could leave Jace out of the conversation."

"I don't want to talk to either of you." He whispered.

I sit down next to Izzy, "please, Alec."


I looked at Izzy, she shrugged. "You hold him down, I'll tickle him?" She asked, knowing that would bug Alec. He's never liked being tickled, well who does? But I know this one spot on the side of his stomach, if you even touch the scar there, he'll laugh and cry at the same time. It hilarious to watch. I save it for emergencies because you can get him to do anything. He poked his head out of the blanket. "Fine, we can talk. Just don't tickle me."

I look at Izzy, "what's first, on the coulpes therapy list?" I ask. She looks thoughtful for a minute then quickly pushes me into Alec, then runs out side and locks the door. "I'm not letting you two out until you make up!" Alec pushes me off of him, and runs to the door. In pajama pants and a black T-shirt, that were both to baggy. "IZZY!" He shouts trying the door knob. "It's locked." I point out, "looks like your suck with me." He turns around. "You planned that, didn't you?" I shrug. "No, but I should have saw it coming."


"Am not."

"Are too."

I knew that, that competition could go on forever so I stopped it right there. "Fine. I'm a liar. You happy?" He started pacing. He was ignoring me, again. How annoying. As the minutes of us being stuck in Alec's room together turned into an hour, Alec sat down at his desk and starting reading. I watched him, and I noticed something: not once has he clenched his jaw. It was a habit that he had picked up when something bugged or upset him, especially when that something envolved me. What can I say? I just have that affect on him.

"Bitch." I jumped off his bed. "Shhhhh." Alec said, trying to focus on reading. Nobody shhhhhhs the great Jace Herondale, and gets away with it. Not even Alec. "And you call me a liar?" I asked. He sighed giving up his reading. He spun around in his chair to face me. "What are you talking about, Jace?" But it was to late, no more playing dumb. I could totally see through his lie. "You forgave me the second I said sorry! And that's why you've been ignoring me, because you know that if you talk to me then you'd forgive me." His face turned redder and redder as I was talking.

"So, it's true?" I asked kneeling on the floor infront of him. "You don't hate me?" He shook his head, relief washed over me. Don't get me wrong, I was pissed. He looked at me with those blue eyes of his, "I could never hate you, Jace." And just like that all my anger went away. Then, I hugged him. It was kind of awkward, because I was still kneeling on the ground and Alec was sitting on a chair. So, my head only went up to his stomach. But we didn't care.I pulled away from the hug, and stood up. Alec stood up, too.

"Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to see if you truely loved me."

"You couldn't have just taken my word for it?"

He shrugged, "actions speak louder then words."

Then I kissed him.


Hello, readers!_! 'Tis I, cookies XD. I just wanted to share with everybody, how happy I was with the turn out of this chapter. Lol. Izzy the couple therapist. Might have not been the best way to get them to talk again, but hey, it worked!_!

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