Chapter nine

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Alec's pov

Then he kissed me.

The kiss wasn't rushed like before. This kiss was different. Passionate, caring, loving. I just told him, 'actions speak louder then words.' So I guess Jace was trying to show me how much he actually does love me. Not that I don't already know. I thought he was going to hate me after all that. It made me happy that he actually does like me back. Which made me wonder how long had he felt this way towards me?

I break away from the kiss, "Jace?"

He presses his forehead against mine. "Yeah?"

"How long?" I blurt out.

His breath is shaky, "how long, is my..." He says, looking down, giggling at his own joke.

I sigh, "you know excatly what I meant. Stop covering your feelings up with sarcasim." He pulls me closer. "You're right, I'm sorry. I guess since we first met. I just didn't really notice. Don't be grossed out..... but whenever I was kissing a girl, I'd be thinking of you." I could fell his lips moving against my ear. I quite enjoyed it. "How come you never told me?" I whisper back. "I thought I could cover my emotions by dating Clary. Alec, I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing. It doesn't suit you." I tease, giving him a little nudge.

"But you've completely forgiven me?" He asks, looking into my eyes, but still holding me close.

"Yes, now shut up and kiss me."

"Alright," he agrees. He starts nimbling on my bottom lip, then slowly begins tracing my bottom lip with his tounge. My heart started beating faster as he slipped his tounge through my lips and against my teeth. I opened my mouth and our tounges brushed together. Then he started to suck on my tounge. A moan escaped from my mouth. Jace picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed me against the wall, I moaned as he rubbed his lower body against the bulge in my pants.

I squeak and wrap my arms around his neck, and my legs tighter around his waist, as he almost drops me. Leaning back against the wall, I feel his left hand on my ass, supporting me. He chuckles, "don't worry, I won't drop you. I promise." I nod, he brushes hair out of my face with his right hand. "Your hair is getting really long." He observes holding a piece of my hair. "I like it." Knowing that Jace loves making fun of my hair. "I do, too. It suits you better then short hair." I was honestly stunned. That's like the first time ever that Jace actually complemented me on my hair.

I smiled, "umm, thanks?"

He laughed, "better get used to the complements, Alec."

"Mmmmm," I moan burrying my head in his neck.

I feel him shifting my weight as he pulls away from the wall. Then he throws me onto the bed. "Ready to get kinky?" He says, climbing on top of me. "Ya," I say, using a self-defense move we learned in training. I was now on top of him, and had his hands pinned above his head. Our hips pressed together. I run my hands down his arms and his chest. Then, I slip my one of my hands under his shirt, then another. Jace helps me pull his shirt over his head. I stare and his bare chest. I mean it's not like I haven't seen Jace shirtless before. But that was before, now I know I can have him. He's mine. Not Clary's. Not another girls. He's mine. "Alec, you're staring."

"I know, and you like it." I say tracing one of the runes on the side of his stomach. "Maybe." He admitted. I look at his face, it's true, he's enjoying the attention. Then I spot the parabatai rune on his collarbone. I pull my shirt over my head. Lean down and kiss the rune. Then, I start trailing kisses down his chest and start undoing his pants.


I'm going to stop there, before getting into much detail. After all, this story is supposed to be PG. I mean, if I get enough people asking me for for detail then I'll make the next chapter a speical one >.<. If you know what I mean XD.

Update: The next part of this is in a book called 'Behind the scenes action ;)'. If you want to go check it out you can but no pressure if you don't as there's nothing really important to the story.....

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